~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 25~

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chapter 25

Nathan's POV
It was the next morning and we were all walking to school from the park that was close to it.

"Why did you pass the ball to Dirt breath of all people?" Zane asked.

"Are you still on that?" Jane asked.

"Yes! If you didn't pass the ball to Dirt breath, I wouldn't have almost lost my chance of leaving him in some real dirt." Zane folded his arms.

"Give me a break. How was I supposed to know you guys were keeping score?" Jane asked.

"I always tell you" Zane answered.

"You should know that when it comes to you and Lucas' game rivalry, it goes in and out of my ear" Jane added. "Besides, I was more focused on what Isaac was sketching this whole time."

"Wait, so none of you were paying attention to us?" Zane asked.

Sofia snickered. "Nope. I was too busy scrolling for clothes before I had to take another phone call."

"From your boyfriend~" Jane said in a mocking tone.

"He's not my—" Sofia sighed. "Never mind."

"I still think that going to the park this early was a bad idea to do before going to school" Emma changing the subject.

"If you thought it was going to be a bad idea, you shouldn't have went with us" Lucas told her.

"...I didn't want to be by myself" Emma mumbled.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"N-Nothing" Emma said quickly.


I scowled when I heard the Vice's high pitched voice call out to us.

"Why are you all—gasp! Why're you four hanging out with those kids!?" The Vice asked.

She points to Sofia, Isaac, Xena, and Emma.

"Who?" Sofia asked.

"Those....those four kids?" She points to the rest of us.

"Um, no disrespect but—" Sofia's mouth was covered by Isaac's hand.

"What's your problem with us hanging out with them?" Isaac asked.

"There are a bunch of problems! I'm especially shocked by you!" The Vice turns toward Emma.

Emma jumps a bit.

"Why are you with those kids?" The Vice asked. "Coming from Widget-smith. I thought you knew better than to hang out with crowds like them."

"Why do you keep addressing them as those kids?" Isaac asked. "You could've just said Sin's group."

"Because those kids aren't the type of kids you people should hang out with" The Vice answered.

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