~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 50~

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chapter 50

Nathan's POV
"Sin, why're you glaring at Sofia?" Jane asked.

"It's nothing personal, really" Sofia smiled. "Isn't that right, Sin?"

I glared at her more.

"Looks personal to me" Zane argued. "Not to mention, Sofia's been acting weird lately."

"Trust me, I'm perfectly fine, my lovelies" Sofia winked.

"You just proved our point" Emma shook her head. "Seriously, what're you hiding?"

Vibrate! Vibrate!

Zane picked up his phone, glaring at it before shoving it back in his pocket.

"You've been acting weird too, Zane" Emma pointed.

"Hm?" Zane hummed.

"You think I forgot about that little incident by Mr. Lockhart's classroom?" Emma asked. "It happened just like today and you made the exact same face when you looked at your phone. So, what's the deal?"

"It's honestly nothing to worry about" Zane answered.

"Mhm, if that's what you want me to believe" Emma said.

We finally walked into the school and for once, the Vice wasn't there.

"Ms. Francesca, I'm begging you."

"The answer is no."

I looked into the office to see a short lady with heels on standing in front of the Vice.

"Ms. Rosher?" Jane parted from our circle and walked into the office. "Is there a problem?"

"Oh Jane, thank goodness you're here" Ms. Rosher said. "I don't know why but Ms. Francesca isn't allowing me to start my play."

"Oh that. Ms. Rosher, the school board has already given you approval to do it" Jane announced.

"What?! I was never told about this!" The Vice yelled.

"I told you yesterday" Jane argued. "I even clipped the letter they sent me on the bulletin board."

Jane walked past the Vice towards the green bulletin board on the right bottom side of the room, pulling off a white paper that had been clipped to the board with a blue thumbtack.

"See?" Jane held it up the paper to the Vice. "It's even signed."

The Vice snatched the paper from Jane, squeezing the paper in both hands while glaring at it.

"Anyways, I have printed out some flyers for the event" Ms. Rosher said. "But the tricky part is getting the participants."

"I'm sure it won't be so hard" Jane reassured.

"I'm looking for talented artists, Jane" Ms. Rosher said. "Painters, story builders, singers, dancers, anyone who knows how to play their role right. Too bad they might've been scared away by now."

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