~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 55~

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chapter 55

Nathan's POV

"Finally, the end of the day!" Zane grabbed his book bag off the floor. "Which means it's time for me to sleep in."

"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen" Lucas shook his head.

"Trust me, after the amount of work I did this whole week, best believe I'm gonna take a nap" Zane sighed.

"Anyways, we'll see you guys on Monday." I threw Jane my car key. "Let's go, brat."

Sofia scoffed. "That's what you're addressing me as? A brat?"

"Want me to call you an insect then? Because I could do that" I asked.

"Can't you just call me by my name, like a normal person would do?" Sofia asked.

"Hmm.....are you gonna pay me to do that?" I asked.

"Hell no!" Sofia answered.

"Then there's your answer" I said. "Just get your shit together before I leave you here. Jane, tell Mom I won't be home for two days so if she needs me, she can call me."

"Um.... okay, but—"

I started walking away from the group as Sofia walked next to me.

"WAIT!" Jane yelled. "Where are you two going though? And where are you gonna sleep?"

I opened the double doors of the gym that led to the school's parking lot. "We're staying over by you-know-who's."

With that, we both exited the gym.


"So," Sofia started, making me side eye her, "what's your history with Logan?"

"Is every question you have about him?" I asked.

"I just wanna get to know you two a little more, ya know?" Sofia defended. "Besides Xena and sometimes Isaac, you barely express yourself to us, so can you really blame me?"

I shook my head, unlocking Logan's house door. Once it unlocked, I stepped through the door.

I looked around the house to see Logan's room door wide open while the sound of speeding cars passed through the house.

"Looks like we're early" I said.

Sofia took off her boots before looking up at the black clock that was hung next to the door.

"I wouldn't rely on that clock if I were you" I told her. "It ain't exactly in progress."

"Yeah, I can tell." Sofia swiped her finger onto the clear casing that covered the clock to see a bunch of dust clung to it. "Anyways, you gonna answer my question or what?"

I sighed. "Look, I was sixteen when I met Logan so he was maybe around....four or five. His mother was an addict who brung random men over to her house and he was a kid who didn't know any better. Someone had to take care of him so I volunteered to until I graduated high school. What more do I need to tell you?"

Sofia squinted her eyes at me.


The house door opened and Vincent and Logan stepped through it. Vincent looked as though he just woke up from a long nap while dressed in grey sweats, a white shirt, white sneakers and black sunglasses while Logan still had on his black school uniform.

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