~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 46~

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chapter 46

Nathan's POV
School ended a few minutes ago and I just parked in front of the house.

"I hope Miss Lillian says yes" Jane pleaded.

"I bet she's gonna say no" I said.

"No, she won't" Jane argued. "Miss Lillian would never say no to something so important like this."

I unlocked the door and stepped inside to see Mom sitting on the couch with her black glasses on. Her hair was in her usual bun as she wore a long black shirt with black and white striped leggings and white slippers.

"Breaking News: thirty people found dead in office building in Airabell County, SouthPort."

"Residents say they saw a man with a white smiling mask walking out of the building just a few hours before the building went up in flames. Police believe this masked man to be the S-ranked criminal, 'Mousetrap'.

"Residents have also stated to have seen a black hooded person walking away from the building just a week ago with a heavy black bag in hand.

"Police haven't identified who this person is but believe the person to be an accomplice."

"Mom, we're home!" I announced.

"Oh, welcome home, you four" Mom greeted, turning the tv off. "How was school today?"

"Frustrating as always" I grumbled.

"So Miss Lillian, I have a request" Jane said, walking into the living room.

"A request?" Mom raised an eyebrow.

The boys and I walked up behind Jane.

"Well, I've been thinking about this the whole day and...would let us spend time with the rest of our group outside of the house this Spring Break?" Jane asked.

"Nuh uh, absolutely not" Mom shook her head.

Jane gasped.

"Called it" I said.

"Come on Miss L, it's just for our Spring Break" Zane pleaded.

"Zane, we haven't even made it to February yet and you're already talking about Spring Break?" Mom asked.

"Well, yes, but this is gonna be our last break before school ends" Jane explained. "Plus, the four of us will be eighteen before then so we'll technically be chaperoning the other four."

"Zane and Lucas may be turning eighteen soon, but did you think I forgot about Lucas' grades?" Mom asked. "Even with his Algebra grade slowly going up, it won't be completely up until he finishes every missed assignment."

Jane sighed.

"...Then, let's make a deal" I said, catching Mom's attention.

"A deal? Don't you mean a bet?" Mom asked.

"No no, no bets" I answered. "Just a deal."

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