~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 17~

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chapter 17

Nathan's POV
"Guys, over here!" Jane yelled out.

Sofia and Isaac had got out of their car as Xena and Emma walked up to my car.

"Hey, so why did you need us to walk with you this morning?" Isaac asked.

"I just wanted to walk with you guys" Jane answered. "Since no one's around, we get to hang out more in the morning. Isn't that great?"

"Just great" Emma answered.

"Could you not make everything we do sound like it's an annoying game?" Isaac asked.

"That's because it is" Emma answered. "I can never get a moment's silence thanks to you guys."

"You're very welcome" Sofia laughed, making Emma roll her eyes.

"Don't you think we should lay low?" Xena asked. "What if we get seen by someone?"

"We won't" Zane reassured.

"Yeah, we're going to the lounge anyway so no one will notice" Jane added. "Speaking of which, while you guys go to the lounge, I need to go to the cafeteria so I can tell Clara about my lunch."

"About your lunch?" Sofia asked.

"I don't know why but even after I filled out the slip about what I can and can't eat or drink, they keep putting milk cartons on my tray" Jane explained. "So, I have to tell Clara directly to not put it on my tray."

"Why are you removing milk from your tray?" Emma asked.

"Oh, I guess I didn't tell you guys yet." Jane looked at Lucas, who gave her a slight nod. "To put it simply, I'm lactose intolerant."

"Oh, okay" Sofia said.

"Honestly, I never understand what lactose intolerant was" Zane said.

"Are you seri—Ugh!" Lucas put a hand on his face.

"Don't worry, I'll explain it" Sofia reassured. "Lactose intolerance is basically when a person's body can't digest milk based products well enough to let it exit through the body naturally. Stuff like whole milk, cheese, just to name a few can easily cause this."

"Oh, is that why you can't have the sandwiches that have those square cheeses on them?" Zane asked.

"Yeah" Jane answered. "If I even have a quarter of it, it makes me nauseous."

"Does it just make you nauseous?" Sofia asked.

"Yeah" Jane answered. "Why do you seem so surprised?"

"No, it's just that from what I've seen before, I thought you would have the more common reactions" Sofia answered. "Like abdominal pain and diarr—"

"Alright, shut up now." I wrap my arm around Sofia's neck, putting her into a slight headlock while pulling her next to me.

"Wait, why?!" Sofia whined, trying to pry my arm from around her neck.

"What do you mean why?!" I asked.

"Um, guys, I'd love to sit here and chat but my anxiety is starting to bother me by how slow we're walking into this building" Xena complained.

"Right" Jane said. "Lucas, take the keys and get them to the lounge."

"Got it" Lucas agreed.

Jane threw a silver key at Lucas and we started walking away from Jane.

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