~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 84~

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chapter 84

Third Person POV
Two months later

The last day for school came by, meaning it was also project day. After groups one and two had presented, it had been group three's turn.

Thanks to Xena's persistence, she had been able to create a video slideshow of the group's experience through all the photos they had all took throughout the year.

Their awkward first picture as a group, the pictures and video they took at their first sleepover, the girls' mall day, them eating out together, the pictures they took at the carnival, the picture of the girls washing Emma's hair, their Halloween shopping, all the pictures they took throughout the year up to this very point. As the video came to a close, a white screen that had the words 'Thank you for putting us together, Mr. Lockhart' in bold appeared on the screen. Then, the screen turned black and the group all turned to Mr. Lockhart as he still stared at the screen.

"Well, Mr. Lockhart?" Sofia asked. "What do you think?"

"That...that was beautiful!" Mr. Lockhart complimented. "You all get an A this year. Congratulations!"

"WHAT?! How did they get an A, but we got a D?!"

"They followed directions" Mr. Lockhart answered. "Unlike your group. Group three, you are free to leave once more. I hope you all have an amazing summer."

"You too, Mr. Lockhart" Sofia added.

"Don't forget, the play starts at eight o' clock today" Jane reminded, opening the door.

With that, the group exited the classroom.

"Finally!" Emma sighed. "My last A for the year."

"Not to mention, it's my birthday!" Sofia added. "Now, I can tell these teachers to kiss my ass."

"Hey, some of the new teachers are nice" Emma pouted.

"The old ones, I mean" Sofia shook her head.

"Speaking of birthdays, here."

Sofia turned to her left to see Nathan holding up a black, square box.

"Aw, cute!" Sofia smirked. "Are you proposing, Sin?"

"Shut up and open it, you brat!" Nathan glared at her.

Sofia giggled. "Alright, alright."

Sofia opened the box, her eyes widening as she saw a pair of blue, butterfly earrings that dangled from golden chains on a simple golden hook.

"Oh my god, they're so cute!" Sofia admired. "Thank you for this, Sin."

"Go on, wear it!" Nathan encouraged. "They don't rust in water easily, so you can shower with it on."

Sofia wasted no time in taking the earrings out, hooking them onto her ears.

"Wow, they suit you so well!" Jane complimented.

"I know, right? Even though I don't wear earrings all the times, I would definitely wear these everywhere" Sofia smiled.

"So, what's next for us?" Xena asked.

"Well, shortie said she was planning to go to college across the state, right?" Isaac asked.

"...Actually, I'm not planning on doing that anymore" Emma clarified.


"Yeah, I've been thinking about this every since you guys told me about...Erai" Emma answered. "I realized that...my whole life was based off of what she wanted me to be. That included my future. So, after two months of thinking...I've decided not to college so quickly."

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