~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 41~

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chapter 41

Nathan's POV
"So, why're we here again?" I asked as I stopped in front of Emma's house.

"Because Emma wanted us to be with her on her first day of work" Jane answered. "So, she wanted to go early."

"But don't we have school in two days?" Lucas yawned. "I would've liked to at least get my last sleep in for the week before going back into that bitch stop."

"Same" Zane agreed.

"It's only for one day, I promise" Jane said.

"Oh, she's coming outside now" Zane informed us.

I looked up at Emma's house once again.

Emma had just closed her house door and put her keys in a small red book bag. She wore black leggings, a red, short sleeved shirt that was tucked into her leggings, black ankle boots, and a red bow on her hair. She walked up to the car and finally got into the back seat.

"So, how do you like the clothes I got you?" Sofia asked.

"They surprisingly good for my body type" Emma answered. "I still don't know if it would be something that I would wear but I appreciate the help. Also, thanks for agreeing to come with me."

"Well, we wouldn't miss out on a one day opportunity to get free—" Isaac's sentence was cut short by a quick groan when Sofia kicked his ankle.

"What he's trying to say is that we wouldn't wanna miss out on our friend's first day of work" Sofia clarified, giving Emma a smile before giving Isaac a quick glare.

"But also just to get those free dri—Ow!" Zane's sentence got cut off when Sofia grabbed his ear.

Jane nervously chuckled. "Don't mind them this morning."

"Geez. You guys are weird" Emma shook her head. "Now, let's go."

With that, I drove away from her house.


I parked the car and we all got out individually.

Emma looked at her watch. "Good, right on time."

Lucas opened the door first as we all walked in. Pat had been wiping down tables while Ma was behind the counter.

"Oh, good to see you all here early" Ma greeted.

"Nice to see you again, Ma" Jane greeted as everyone except for Emma took a seat in the red circular booth on the right side of the door.

"Emma, I'm finally got your name tag done" Ma said.

Emma gasped and ran up to the counter. Ma handed her a black name tag that had Emma's name written on it in white letters.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is actually happening." Emma put the tag on the left side of her shirt.

"Emma Diddlebee, you are now officially a worker at my diner" Ma announced. "You will take over Pat's job as the cashier and work at a cook just in case."

"I won't let you down, Miss" Emma said.

"Good" Ma said. "Now with that out of the way, have the rest if you decided on what you were ordering?"

We all turned towards Jane, who was in between Zane and Lucas in the booth.

Jane sighed. "We'll each be taking an iced coffee for now."

Emma pulled out a hidden notepad and pen from her bag and began writing.

"Your balance shall be thirty five dollars and fifty cents" Ma informed. "Please leave it on the table or if you have a card, please go to the grey ATM behind you."

Jane sighed before pulled back her phone case, pulling out two twenty dollar bills.

"There goes my paycheck" Jane grumbled.

"Don't worry, you still have a card that has loads of money in it" Zane encouraged.

"Wait, really?" Sofia asked.

"No" Jane sulked.

"...Hey guys?" Xena spoke.

"Yeah, Xena?" Jane asked.

"This might just be me, but....doesn't it seem a bit...you know, empty in here?" Xena asked. "All I can here is us talking and the kitchen working. There's no music nor any customers in the vicinity of this place."

"Now that you mention it, I did hear that this place used to be one of the liveliest parts of town" Sofia added.

"Then, why is it so quiet?" Zane asked.

"You guys do know that it's still the middle of the morning, right?" Jane asked. "Plus, this place gives off an 80's theme to me."

Emma came over with the ice coffees in her hand and put them on the table.

"Here you go, seven iced coffees." Emma picked up the checkbook along with the money.

"Hey, waitress" Lucas called out.

Emma sighed. "What do you need?"

"Call your boss over for a sec" Lucas said. "We have to talk to her."

Emma raised an eyebrow at him and went to the counter. She whispered something in Ma's ear and immediately, Ma came walking over.

"Is there a problem?" Ma asked.

"No, not at all, Miss" Jane reassured. "We were just wondering why this place is so empty today when it's usually so lively."

"It's the morning" Ma answered. "Plus, we're usually busy during the afternoon anyways."

"Told ya" Jane bragged.

"However, most of my employees are off today so I might struggle a bit" Ma added.

"...Maybe we can help?" Sofia suggested.

"Would you like to?" Ma asked.

"Yeah, I like this place as much as it is" Zane said.

"Mhm" Xena hummed.

Ma smiled. "Bless you all."

Sofia smiled back. "So when do you wanna get started?"

"Right away" Ma shrugged.

Without hesitation, the group began helping Ma with her diner. Within an hour, the customers began storming in, hungry and lively.

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