~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 38~

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chapter 38

Nathan's POV
It's been almost seven hours since the party began. Everyone from the altar, along with Asher and Arya, had finally came to the party. Let's just say there was a LOT of picture taking and cake cutting in that time-span.

The group and I had caught up with each other a few minutes ago and we were now sitting on the floor by an open balcony, waiting for the last few seconds to roll by.

Lucas and Zane were at it with each other, as usual. Xena was laying on Jane's legs with her eyes closed as Jane was doing something on her phone. Sofia was almost finished with her second margarita while Emma wasn't wasting anytime in taste testing every sweet in the building. Isaac, well, he was passed on Sofia's lap as well.

"Ugh, I have a headache" Sofia groaned, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Why would you have two margaritas if you were a lightweight then?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not but the alcohol got to my head and I don't like it" Sofia groaned.

Emma took a bite out of her pink frosted donut. "I swear, you guys have to try out the sweets here. They're so good."

"Yeah no, I'm staying cavity-free" Zane declined. "But you go ahead, sweet tooth."

Emma shrugged and continued eating her donut.

"Twenty seconds!"

I looked towards the drink stand, where Mom was now starting to wake up on Dad's shoulder as Dad had his arm wrapped around her waist.

Arya and Asher had stopped dancing and started walking onto the first balcony on the far right of us.

"You know, I actually enjoyed this Christmas break" Xena mumbled. "Especially since I spent it not working."

"You never enjoyed your holidays?" Zane asked.

Xena shook her head. "I normally work on the holidays just to get a few extra bucks, or when I have to do other things."

"...You know what? I have a resolution for all of us" Zane said.

"That is?" Jane asked.

"From now on, none of us will work on the upcoming holidays" Zane said. "We'll be spending time doing whatever the hell we want with each other."

"I actually don't have a problem with that" Sofia said.

"Me neither" Xena mumbled.

"I guess that'll work for me too since I'll be getting a job soon" Emma added. "It just can't be too frequent, okay?"

"Sure" Zane shrugged.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

I saw Mom give Dad a peck on the lips, making me slightly grimace.


"Yay, the fireworks!" Emma admired.

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