~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 72~

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chapter 72

Third Person POV
"Sofia~" Xena whispered. "WAKE UP!"

Everyone jumped out of their restful states to the sound of Xena's yelling. Sofia groaned, still not fully aware of herself cuddling on Nathan's side.

"Xena, sweetie, I love you and all but please keep it down" Sofia said in a soft whisper. "It's still...early."

"It's seven thirty" Xena pointed out.

"Ugh, shut up you two!" Nathan groaned.

"Sofia, please wake up!" Xena pleaded.

Sofia stretched, repositioning herself so she could prop her elbow onto Nathan's chest and relax her head.

"What is it?" Sofia whispered.

"I wanna do it" Xena answered.

Jane hummed. "Do what now?"

"I want a new wardrobe" Xena clarified. "As much as like wearing hoodies, I didn't wear them for comfort. So, I think it's time for me to have a new look."

"Are you sure about this? I mean like, you don't have to" Isaac asked.

"...This is my choice" Xena said. "I hate the feeling of someone controlling my every move, even when they're not there."

Zane smiled. "I'm one hundred percent with you on this."

Xena smiled back.

"So, what style of clothing are you looking for?" Sofia asked.

"Hmm....I want a style that's casual but also sticks with the whole gothic theme you keep mentioning" Xena explained.

"Then, it won't be casual" Lucas pointed.

"I just want to look fashionable but in a way that makes me feel comfortable" Xena clarified. "I want regular clothes as well as clothes that I can flaunt with."


The teens turned to the door to see Lillian and Aiden standing by it.

"If it isn't too much trouble, I might know how to help you with that" Lillian encouraged.


"Miss Lillian, where are we?" Xena asked.

"Well, Loaf and I—"

"Seriously?" Aiden questioned.

"—Had been planning to sell these back and make a little money in the process, but he never went against picking out a few to keep" Lillian explained as they walked up to a white storage room door.

Aiden pulled out his keys and started unlocking the door.

"Since I've grown a liking to you, this wouldn't be much of a problem" Lillian continued. "So, take as much clothes as you like."

Aiden opened the door and turned on the lights, the teens seeing the endless amounts of clothes stored in it.

"Wait, seriously?!" Sofia asked. "As much as we like?!"

Lillian nodded. "Take it as a token of my appreciation."

Sofia huffed. "Well then, it's time to find Xena some clothes!"

The teens rushed in immediately with no regrets.

"Alright Xena, what's the first thing you wanna look for?" Sofia asked.

"Um....oh yeah, black shirts!" Xena answered.

Sofia dragged Xena over to a rack that hug several dark colored shirts.

"Wow, found one already" Sofia picked up a black t-shirt that had a big skull on the front of it. "Seems a bit too edgy but—"

"I'll take it!" Xena snatched the shirt. "Oh, and this, too! And this, this, and this!"

Xena continuously grabbed as many regular short sleeved and long sleeved shirts she could find before Sofia could even register what was happening. Some being between black, white, and/or grey.

"Alright, I already have enough ripped jeans so the next thing I want is...skirts and fishnets" Xena pointed out.

"Gotta love the fishnets!" Sofia dragged Xena over to a rack of skirts in every color and style.

"Ooh, I like this one!" Xena admired, picking up a dark, navy blue plaid skirt that had the ends of it pulled out in strings. "I'm gonna wear this to school when we get back."

"You know what we should do? We should go to school dressed in the clothes we buy today" Jane suggested.

"That sounds fun" Sofia agreed. "I'm in!"

Xena picked up some black fishnets that could style on her legs and arms. She then picked up a few black dresses and a few crop top hoodies before moving on to hair accessories.

"Hmm...Sofia, what type of accessories would look good on my hair?" Xena asked.

"I don't know, just find something that speaks to you" Sofia suggested, helping Emma pick out a few clothes.

Xena tapped her chin, contemplating whether to pick up a headband or a chain.

Ah, screw it!

Xena picked up a few chains and added designer spikes to her pile as well.

"Did you guys find anything you—woah, never mind!" Lillian laughed, seeing the piles of clothes the group each gathered in their hands.

"Sorry Miss Lillian, we just helping Xena find a new wardrobe while getting stuff for ourselves, too" Sofia smiled.

"No no, it's okay" Lillian reassured. "By the way, I'd go for the red skirt to match with that white shirt, Emma."

"That's what I said!" Sofia agreed, holding up the white long sleeved shirt with a black and red dragon on it.

"Do you need any shoes?" Lillian asked.

"Oh, no. I have enough shoes to last me a lifetime" Xena answered. "I appreciate the help, though."


"In a second!" Lillian answered. "Are you girls done?"

Jane, Emma, and Sofia looked at Xena.

"...Yeah" Xena answered. "Yeah, I'm done."

"Alright, let's get outta here then" Sofia said.

"By the way, I have to tell you girls something" Xena added.

"What is it?" Jane asked.

"Later, though" Xena reassured.

"Aw, really~?" Jane whined. "Can't you tell us now?"

Xena shook her head. "Trust me, you won't be prepared for what I'm gonna tell you."

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