~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14~

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chapter 14

Nathan's POV

"MY CAR!!"

The boys and I started running towards the crowd where the screaming was heard. That's when we saw the mess that we knew someone created.

A small, black car's interior and exterior had been completely destroyed.

All of the windows and mirrors had been smashed to pieces, the tires were flat, and it was spray painted neon green. They even had the nerve to put a smiley face on it.

"Guys, over here!"

I looked to my left to see Jane waving at us.

"I would've thought she would be in school by now" Zane said.

We walked away from the scene and towards Jane.

"What's up?" Zane asked.

"Good thing you're here" Jane sighed. "Sin, your fan girls are going wild again. They kept following around and one one them even—"

I pulled Jane to my left and caught the stone that flew at her.

"Damn, I could've gotten her."

I looked at the group of girls that were a few meters in front of us . Some of them were glaring while the rest were giggling.

"What the hell!?" Jane said. "Did you just aim that at my head!?"

"Would've hit if Sin wasn't so protective of you. Then again, that's hot."

I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Sin, just talk to us~!"

"Alright, I'm tired of this" Lucas grumbled. "Hey girls!"


"Ever heard of the saying of what happens when girls are right?" Lucas asked.

"...No, what?"

We all got into a straight line.

"When girls are right, we go left!" Zane yelled.

That's when we dashed to the left side of the parking lot, climbing over the steel gate as the girls ran after us.

We ran and ran until we saw tall trees and grass.

"I can't believe we're actually running to the front of the school" Zane said.

"Well, we have no other choice" Lucas argued.

"Let's use that side door, I have the keys for it" Jane said.

We ran to the right side of the lawn as more people started entering the school. Jane pulled out a ring of keys and unlocked the door with one of them.

"Where are they?"

"Find them!"

We ran inside the door and ran down the white hall until I saw Room 111 on one of the doors.

Lucas opened the door and we ran inside.

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