~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 56~

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chapter 56

Nathan's POV
"See? I told you it was easy" I said.

"I didn't know, I swear" Logan defended. "I just liked addition better than subtraction."

"Yet you threw a whole tantrum about it" I pointed out. "Not to mention, you made me get lectured."

"Boys, I'm finished with lunch!" Sofia's voice yelled.

"Yay!" Logan hopped out of his chair, running out of the room.

"Seriously? You're just gonna leave me to cleanup your mess?" I asked.

No answer.

I sighed, putting his homework back into his blue folder before putting it back into his book bag. I then put the bag next to his nightstand and walked out the room, following the mouth watering aroma of ramen until I found myself in the kitchen.

"So, how long did the paper take?" Sofia asked, putting a ceramic bowl in front of Logan at the dining table.

"Over nine minutes" I answered. "And Mom said I overreact."

"Logan, I believe you owe Sin an apology for the way you acted earlier" Sofia said.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, Sin" Logan apologized. "I won't do it again."

I smirked as I sat down next to him at the table. Sofia put down another ceramic bowl in front of me and I saw that inside was a bowl of ramen.

"Sorry if lunch is a bit cheap today" Sofia told me. "It was all I could find."

"Eh, I've done the same thing a few times." I picked up the spoon, sipping the soup. "Needs more spice, though."

"More? I already marinated it in five scoops of hot sauce." Sofia poured herself a bowl.

"Not enough." I got up and took the clear container of Dad's homemade hot sauce out of the fridge.

I squeezed more hot sauce into the bowl until the juice turned a dark red.

"That's better" I said. "Go on, smell it."

Sofia raised an eyebrow at me before leaning over to my bowl. She took a small inhale and started coughing uncontrollably.

"Are you tryna kill my nostrils or something?!" Sofia asked. "That's way too much hot sauce!"

I chuckled. "There's no such thing as 'way too much' in my family. It's a matter of how much you can handle."

I sat down at the table, immediately indulging the spicy goodness that my tastebuds longed for.

"So Logan," Sofia sat down next to me, "I don't know much about you, besides the very few things Sin told me. Would you like to share?"

Logan stopped mid slurp, looking at me with questioning eyes. I nodded my head in response, showing him that it's okay.

Logan swallowed his food. "I have a stuffed wolf as my number one friend, does that count as something?"

"Oh, um...of course" Sofia answered, nervously laughing. "What's your wolf's name?"

"I call him pride" Logan answered.

"Wow, that's a gorgeous name!" Sofia praised. "Is it because he's your pride and joy?"

"Well that, and because he's too prideful to admit that it's his only friend" I snickered.

"Hey, that's not funny!" Logan whined, giving a small pout.

"It's pretty funny" I snickered some more, slurping up my ramen.

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