~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 45~

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chapter 45

Nathan's POV
"Another sleepover?" Sofia asked. "I thought you said we didn't have to do that again."

"I know, but...after staying with you girls for a week, I really got used to your personalities" Jane said. "Plus, it would give us a little more time to spend together."

"I don't know, Jane" Isaac argued. "The first time we had a sleepover, things were mostly boring. Even if we watched horror movies and you girls went to the mall, we never really had fun, you know."

"That's because we never knew what we all liked then" Sofia argued. "Though I agree that having a sleepover isn't a complete go ahead, it would be nice to hang out with all of us. I mean, it's not like I've gotten used to you boys yet."

"And you may never will" I said.

"What does that mean?" Sofia asked.

"Trust me" I patted her on the head. "You'll see exactly why you won't get used to living in a house with boys, especially if they include 'stone face' and 'egg head' over there."

"Stone face?" Lucas questioned.
"Egg head?" Zane questioned.

"To be honest, I don't think we even need to have sleepovers" Xena added. "At this point, we hang out regardless so I don't think it's necessary. Plus, I think we might be too old for that."

"That I agree with" Emma agreed. "We're almost adults now so we can't keep doing things only little kids do."

"Come on guys, stop being so reluctant all the time" Jane whined.

"Don't worry Jane, maybe you can try next season" Zane snickered. "Who knows? Maybe it'll work out next month, maybe closer to a year."

"You do know that next year, we'll be attending college, right?" Emma asked.

Zane snickered.

"But speaking of college, have you guys decided on what colleges you wanted to go to?" Sofia asked.

"Ugh, don't remind me" Xena grumbled. "Even after three years, I still can't figure out what college I wanna go to."

"Or you could just get good grades to get a scholarship and then let the college requests come for you" Emma said. "Simple as that."

"Still stressful as hell" Xena shook her head.

"So, what college are you planning to go to, Miss Shortie?" Isaac asked.

"I've already set my goal on going to Ridgewood County College" Emma answered. "They pay a reasonable amount of profit and can get me a good career plan for my future."

"Isn't that place like, all the way across the country or something?" I asked.

"Yes, it is" Emma answered. "I may not be as familiar with plane travel, but if it means getting a good career, then I'll take my chances."

"Well, you do you, I guess" Isaac shrugged.

Emma nodded at him but I noticed her biting her lip as she looked to her right, which made me suspicious.

"I GOT IT!" Jane yelled.

"Got, what exactly?" Sofia asked.

"How we could all hang out together" Jane answered.

"Oh my god, you're still thinking about this?" Zane groaned. "Jane, give it a rest for now. With school and work going on, we both know that there's no time to—"

"That's the thing" Jane cut him off. "There's only a few times in each seasonal year that people don't have to go to school or work. For us now, there's only one more long break we could get before school ends."

"...Spring Break?" Sofia asked.

"Exactly" Jane answered. "And Zane, you know how you said how we normally spend too much time at home for our breaks?"

"Yeah?" Zane asked.

"Then, why don't we go somewhere out of state for our Spring Break?" Jane asked. "Like when we had to go to the wedding. Plus, I heard it's gonna be hot and sunny that whole month."

"So, you're saying that you want all of us to come with you four to some place outside of this city for Spring Break?" Isaac asked.

"Mhm" Jane nodded.

"...Sweet" Isaac said. "More time away from here means more time to relax. Sofia, you're coming with."

"Hey!" Sofia whined.

"Come on, you haven't had any relaxation ever since school started" Isaac pleaded. "The only time you took a break was for the wedding. You need another getaway."

"But what about my sister?" Sofia asked.

"You don't need to bring little shit everywhere, you know?" Isaac said. "Plus, it seems as though she's been having more fun with Sin's twin sisters lately."

Sofia sighed. "...I guess, I do bring her with me a lot. But I just don't want her to feel lonely while I'm away having fun."

"So, if she had something or someone to be with while you're away, you'll feel more comfortable?" Isaac asked.

"I guess" Sofia answered.

"Then, fine." Isaac turned to me. "Sin, will you let Sophie stay with Nora at your house when we leave over the break?"

"Sure, depending if Mom says yes at all" I shrugged.


"Well, time for first period" Isaac said.

"We can see that" Sofia rolled her eyes.

We all got out of the lounge, allowing Jane to lock the door. We quickly walked over to Stairway 18 and went down the stairs quickly.

We soon made in front of Mr. Lockhart's door.

Vibrate! Vibrate!

Zane pulled out his phone and when he looked at it, he glared at it.

"Who is it? Sofia asked.

"No one important" Zane grumbled, pressing the red 'decline' button.

Vibrate! Vibrate!

Zane groaned, pulling his phone out again.

"Are you sure?" Emma asked. "The person on the other end seems eager to talk to you."

"Trust me, it's no one important" Zane reassured, declining it again.

"Good morning, Room 111" Mr. Lockhart greeted. "I know you are all busy students but I'm gonna have to ask you to put your phones away."

Zane put his phone on silent before putting it back in his pocket.

"Alright, we have a writing test today" Mr. Lockhart announced. "It's short and must be finished before the end of class so please enter the classroom at this moment."

Soon, we entered the class silently. From the corner of my eye, I saw Michael looking at us.

You can keep looking all you want, Michael. You won't be getting anything out of us anytime soon.

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