~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 57~

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chapter 57

Nathan's POV
"Hey!" A chirpy, feminine voice called out to me. "Hey, wake up!"

I opened my left eye slightly only for a drop of water to fall onto it, slowly dripping into my eye socket. I felt paralyzed, unable to move my arms, legs, or even my mouth as I listened to the childlike voice that called out to me.

"Alright, I'm gonna take you to the hospital now, okay. Just hang on a little longer."

I felt something or someone grab me, lifting me up onto their back as I faintly saw white surrounding my visual view. As I looked down slightly, I saw blood trailing down my arm as my back felt exposed to the bitter freezing cold.

Who is this? Where even am I?

"Just hang on a little longer. I'm gonna get you help."

Vibrate! Vibrate!

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of something vibrating.

Vibrate! Vibrate!

"UGH!" I got up, reaching my hand over to the pillow next to me.

I quickly turned off Sofia's alarm and stretched, letting out the most satisfying groan. Once my eyes readjusted, I realized that Sofia's spot was empty while the door had been creaked.

Just as I looked at the door, I saw Sofia coming into the room.

Sofia no longer had on her sleeping attire. Instead, she wore a black, elastic drawstring sports sweater that hugged against her curved figure until it stopped at her hips.

"Sorry about that" Sofia apologized. "I wasn't tryna wake you up but I guess I forgot about my alarm, too."

"What time is it anyways?" I asked.

"Um...nine o' clock" Sofia answered.

"The hell? Why're you up so early?" I asked.

"I was technically up an hour ago to shower and I was just about to go wake up Logan when my alarm went off" Sofia explained.

That doesn't really answer my question.

"Anyways, go clean yourself up first and then I'll meet you and Logan in the kitchen" Sofia instructed. "Oh, and make the bed while you're at it."

Sofia then grabbed her phone, walking out of room.

I then got up from the bed, soon tidying it up. After my shower, I threw on a tight white t-shirt along with black jeans and later exited the room.

I opened Logan's door to see him sprawled out on his bed like a starfish, his covers halfway on the floor while his blonde hair overshadowed his eyes.


"Time to get up, bud!" I announced.

Logan didn't budge an inch.

I sighed, walking over to his bed. I then pulled out my phone and opened my ringtones. Once I clicked on the 'Wake Up' icon, the sound of demonic screaming and screeching blasted through my speaker, immediately making Logan jump out of his restful state.

With widened eyes, Logan looked around the room and immediately glared as soon as he saw me.

"Good morning" I chuckled, putting my phone in my pocket.

Logan folded his arms. "That's not funny, Sin."

"Yeah, sure." I opened his dresser and pulled out his toothbrush and his towel. "Come on."

Logan jumped out of bed, taking his towel and his toothbrush from me and walked out of his room. As soon as Logan exited, I started tidying up his bed, starting from his bedsheets and finishing with his blanket.

After about two minutes or so, the bed was finally neat and presentable. Just as I finished patting his pillows, Logan came back into the room, hair dripping with water and wrapped in a towel.

I decided to dress him in a red t-shirt with black jeans and quickly hurried to grab his white sneakers before we both entered the kitchen.

"Wow! What smells so good, Sofia?" Logan asked.

"That would be my not-so-homemade, homemade pancakes" Sofia answered, giggling. "Now, go on and grab a plate, you two."

I walked over to the counter, eying down the two plates that had two different sized pancakes on each. The first blue plate was small and had two pancakes that matched it's size. On the side were two pieces of bacon along with four sliced strawberries. The other plate had the same thing, only it was a slightly larger plate and had pancakes that matched it's size.

Reminds me of Valentino's cooking.

I grabbed the large plate while Logan grabbed the small one and soon, we both sat down at the table. Sofia joined us only a minute later with a large plate and a syrup bottle.

"So, what made you do all of this?" I asked, pouring syrup on my pancakes.

"I was caught in a good mood today, I guess" Sofia shrugged. "Not that I'm always in a mood, anyways."

"Good, because we're going out right after breakfast" I added.

Sofia raised an eyebrow. "We?"

"Yes, we" I answered, folding my pancake in half. "I don't like spending long hours in here so we're going out."

"Um...o-okay" Sofia agreed. "Where are we going, though?"

"You'll see later on" I reassured.

I bit into the top pancake, silently enjoying the meal even though I saw Sofia scrunch her face at the corner of my eye. Not like I cared anyways.

"So since we're going out after breakfast, should I change into something more...appealing?" Sofia asked, devouring a sliced strawberry.

"Just wear the clothes you're currently wearing" I suggested.

"I can't do that" Sofia argued. "I'm already wearing it at home. I can't just flip the script."

Sofia cut a triangle into her pancake.

"Besides, it's not something you and the boys would understand." Sofia ate another chunk of her pancake.

"Yeah, sure" I rolled my eyes.

"Understand what?" Logan asked, his mouth stuffed with pancakes.

"Nothing" Sofia answered. "And don't talk with your mouth full, you could choke that way."

"You two just hurry up and eat so we can leave" I reminded them.

With that, the three of us continued stuffing our faces until our breakfast was gone.

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