~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 40~

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chapter 40

Nathan's POV
I waited inside the lobby of Vincent's apartment.


I looked up to see Logan running towards me with a bug smile on his face. He ran into my legs, hugging them tightly.

"Hey bud, how was your weekend?" I asked.

"It was awesome!" Logan answered. "But I was lonely too."

"You know, it amazes me how he was so quiet before I told him you were downstairs" Vincent said, walking up to me.

"Well, I'm here now." I lifted him so he could be sitting in my arms. "Thanks for watching him, Vince."

"Yeah yeah, now pay up!" Vincent said.

I sighed, handing him a twenty dollar bill. "You're still dropping him off and picking him up on school days."

"I'm okay with that" Vincent shrugged. "As long as it doesn't interfere with my job, I'm okay. Now, get outta here!"

I finally walked back out of the building and strapped Logan into the harness.

"You can't do that again, Sin!" Logan pouted.

"Sorry bud, I had family matters to deal with" I apologized. "So, did you eat?"

"Mhm, I ate a whole two pancakes and bacon" Logan answered.

"Well, let's get back to your house." I drove off.


"Here. Now, sit on the couch." I gave Logan my tablet and he quietly sat on the couch.

I walked into the kitchen to see a complete pig sty.

Empty ramen cups, boxes of Chinese food, and chip wrappers laid on the open floor while two large garbage bags that were completely full sat in a corner.

She had time to throw the empty stuff on the floor but not to take out the trash?

I roll my eyes before grabbing a broom to sweep up the trash. Once it was into another trash bag, I went to grab the garbage bags.

That's when I heard the front door open.

"Logan, oh my god!"

I walked out of the kitchen to see Ariel in front of the door.

"Where have you been?! Did you wander off somewhere this past week?" Ariel asked.

Logan got up from the couch and ran behind me, saying nothing.

"Why do you care, all of a sudden?" I asked.

"Why do I care?! He's my son!" Ariel answered. "I have a right to be worried about my own child!"

"Logan, go in your room and lock the door" I told him.

Logan nodded, quickly going into his room and locking the door.

"If you were so worried about him, then why didn't you contact me?" I asked. "I already gave you my number for that in the first place."

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