~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 78~

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chapter 78

Third Person POV
"Yeah, I was more worried about your awkward shyness" Nathan finally said.

"WHY WOULD I SAY THAT?!!!" Zane yelled, the biggest blush on his cheeks.

After what Zane promised Ms. Rocher, the group had returned to the library. That was when Zane crouched into a corner, put his hands over his face, and screamed into his hands. In response, Jane rubbed his back while Lucas tried to keep himself from laughing out loud.

"Zane, you said you would stop doing this" Jane brought up.

"Clearly, he hasn't" Nathan rolled his eyes.

"Okay, what just happened?" Xena asked.

Nathan sighed. "Every time Zane tries to show confidence in something, he gets all blushy and embarrassed afterwards. We told him to stop this years ago but he tried to pull a fast one today."

"Not only does he have Ms. Rocher counting on him, there's a chance that he'll be too embarrassed to even write out a dashing prince onto paper" Lucas snickered. "How stupid can you be?"

"Hey, I find it cute" Xena defended.

"Of course you do" Lucas rolled his eyes. "When he's not trying to get girls like a playboy, he has the personality of a lovestruck girl."

"I stopped that months ago!" Zane argued.

"How's it feel to have responsibility weighing on your shoulders, Zane?" Sofia asked.

"It's terrible!" Zane answered. "I have to do this quickly, realistic, have it checked, and rehearse it before school ends? This is horrible."

"Yet, you signed yourself up for it" Lucas pointed out.

Zane glared at him.

"Don't worry, we'll help you out" Sofia reassured. "So, what type of happily ever after do you want?"

Zane looked at her. "I don't even want it to be have a happily ever after, where the princes and princesses get married. No, it's cliche. Yet, I want my main lovers to have a love story."

"...Sounds confusing" Emma said.

"You're telling me" Zane agreed. "I know nothing about relationships, anyways."

Xena tapped her chin. "How about...you get a hands on idea?"

"What do you mean?" Jane asked.

"I don't know, maybe a date?" Xena clarified. "Get a chance to experience your first date while simultaneously getting ideas for your next story?"

"Ooh, that could work" Sofia agreed.

"You see, I don't have a lot of money to bring to the gable so I can't really decide if I want it to be romantic or casual" Zane pointed out.

"I'm okay with casual" Xena answered. "After all, you don't need money and over the top gestures to make something romantic."

"Wait, but you guys haven't decided the day nor the place" Emma pointed. "What type of couple goes out on a date without preparations?!"

"The type that wants a casual yet unexpected date" Lucas answered. "What do you expect it to be? A candle lit dinner at night?"

"N-No, but at least decide on someplace romantic" Emma pleaded. "Like a beach or something."

"Emma, none of us can afford to use an empty beach, and no, I'm not gonna ask my parents" Nathan finalized, stopping Emma as she went to open her mouth.

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