~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 87~

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chapter 87

Nathan's POV
A few weeks later
"HELLOOOOO, EVERYONE PRESENT TODAY!!" Mrs, Clark greeted, dressed in a grey suit.

"To start off this ceremony, I would just like to give a brief introduction. Hello, my name is Mrs. Clark and the man next to me is Mr. Stone. For those who don't know yet, I will be the new principal for Saint Jonathan Pier starting next semester as well as Mr. Stone being your vice principal."

The crowd cheered loudly as people whistled rang around the football field. Since Mrs. Clark has a reputation from being in the school board, it's good to know that the hands of the school will be left with the professionals.

"I hope to have a good few years for you old and newcomers! Next, I would like to thank the eight senior students who reported the last principal and vice principal of the school. Thanks to their courage, the two frauds along with the students and the disregarding teachers who committed grave crimes against this school were finally held accountable for their actions and will be later charged. For that, I would like to bring them onto the stage first to receive their diplomas and the medal of courage from police officers."

I heard Emma's cheerful squeal across from me as Lucas tried to calm her down.

"First, the former president of Saint Jonathan Pier. This person has had to go through thick and thin with the vice principal  and principal to make sure everyone, including herself, had at least one good year before she graduated. For that, with a GPA equaling an A-, please welcome to the stage, Jane Willison!"

The crowd cheered as Jane walked up the stage, confidently receiving her diploma while a police officer pulled a green medal over her head. Mom stood by the stage, taking as many pictures that she could muster.

"Next, the seven students that also stepped up to notify the school board. These students have been though so much that many of us here today might not ever know. They've been targeted and terrorized by almost everyone in the school, and yet, they showed integrity and selflessness all the way up to this day. I am happy to say that I'm proud of all of them and am glad to be giving them what they earned. So welcoming to the stage, with GPA's that weigh an A, please welcome—"

"This is it, folks!" Isaac whispered.

"—Andrew Parker! Sofia Melvich! Isaac Steinlidge! Zane Miller! Lucas Fairchild! Xena Goodfell and lastly, Emma Diddlebee!"

The crowd clapped and cheered loudly once more as the seven of us walked onto the stage, receiving our diploma and medals. Mom snapped so many pictures that I'm pretty sure her data storage is almost full.

"Once again, thank you for your bravery and for coming to Saint Jonathan Pier! LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR THEM!"

The last round of cheered started as we walked off the stage, going to stand by the stage next to Mom.

After our walk, the rest of the seniors came to get their diplomas along with their handshake.



That's when every senior stood up, throwing their blue hats into the hair as we cheered loud enough for the neighboring houses surrounding us to here. Dad along with my siblings walked up to us as soon as our hats hit the ground.

"Hey, graduates!" Loriana greeted. "How do you feel now that you got your diplomas and medals?"

"Honestly, full blown excitement" Xena giggled. "I can't believe that two years ago, including three months ago, I was ready to be a high school dropout."

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