~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9~

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chapter 9

Third Person POV
"UUUUUUGH, I hate them so much!!" Jane groaned as she flopped onto the living room couch.

"Hate who?" Lillian asked.

"Vanessa and her friends!" Jane answered. "Every time they prank someone, they always go overboard! It gets me so worked uuuup!"

"Well, do you want me to make some tea while you tell me all about it?" Lillian asked.

Jane nodded.

"Ha! You always were a baby every time you got worked up" Lucas laughed.

"Go away!" Jane whined, hugging a cushion pillow.

Soon, Lillian cane back into the living room with two cups of green tea.

"Here, I kept the sugar mixture low, just how you like it." Lillian placed Jane's cup on the table in front of her. "Now, go from start to finish."

Jane picked up her cup and took a sip.

"Well yesterday, Vanessa and her friends came back to the school and caused everything to return back to normal" Jane explained.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Lillian asked.

"Not when the 'normal' school day is seeing people getting bullied, severely pranked, and just be overall miserable" Jane answered. "Because of their return, our other four group members decided to not make contact to us at all during school hours, as if we were just strangers."

"But...you technically are strangers" Lillian .

"Not you too, Miss Lillian" Jane whined.

"Alright alright, continue" Lillian defended.

"All four of them have been avoiding us and each other the whole day, even during lunch" Jane explained. "Isaac and Sofia went back to talking to each other, Emma sat down by herself at that far end of that same lunch table while Xena just decided to be mute and sat on the floor the entire lunch period."

"And it's all because this Vanessa girl came back to your school?" Lillian asked.

"Exactly" Jane answered. "Ugh, we were doing so well. Now, the boys and I are going to have to keep up our reputations and we'll be by ourselves again."

"Ah, so your school is build around reputations from how you've acted in the past" Lillian said. "Not only that but due to it, it's hard to make new friends because everyone in your school is a prick in their own setting."

"Exactly" Jane agreed.

"Well, are you really willing to make new friends even with all the stuff going around at school?" Lillian asked.

"That's all I've ever tried to do" Jane answered. "Even if I still have the boys, I hate having to be the only girl in the group. Now that I found something in the other four, I don't wanna give that chance up just yet."

"Well, do you want me to help you with it?" Lillian asked.

"Can you really?" Jane asked.

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