~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5~

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chapter 5

Third Person POV
As the bell rang, indicating the end of the day, the others had grabbed their book bags and were waiting for Zane to close his locker.

"Finally, I was wondering when that stupid bell would ring." Zane closed his locker.

"You really start counting the seconds on the clock when you really want to leave" Jane said.

"Even the school president doesn't want to stay in school for long hours. I haven't heard of that in a while" Xena said.

"It's only because these kids are too much to handle. I had to break up five fights today" Jane told her.

"That's exaggerated" Nathan mumbled.

"Group!" Emma called out from the end of the hall.

They stopped walking and turned around to find the Emma running to them.

"Hey Emma. What did your parents say?" Jane asked.

"It took a while to interpret their exact words but they said yes" Emma said. "I just need to do them a favor if I do this."

"What favor?" Sofia asked.

"Nothing that concerns you" Emma answered.

Sofia sighed. "Honestly, you keep giving mixed signs here. It's either you're going to be nice or you're going to be rude."

"I'm nice and rude. Both of those are what you're going to deal with in the next two days" Emma told her.

"Well, I guess it's still on" Jane said. "Now, let's get out of here."

The teens had finally made it out the door and into the parking lot.

"Hey Sin, I don't know if you noticed, but your car only has four seats" Sofia pointed out.

"We could always just sit on each other's laps if it's full" Zane said.

"Hell to the no. I'm not sitting on nobody's lap or letting them sit on me" Isaac remarked.

"I have it covered" Jane huffed. "I called Sin's mom to come pick us up."

"You did what against my knowings?" Nathan asked shocked and angry.

"Sorry not sorry" Jane mumbled.

"We also might as well help each other pack their stuff to make things faster" Zane said.

"I hate this, so much" Lucas mumbled.

"Can you stop mumbling if you want to say something?" Emma asked. "It's annoying."

"If I don't, you'll hate the words coming out of my mouth" Lucas told her.

Just as he said that, a white van pulled up in front of them. Then the door was opened and out came a somewhat short woman.

She was dressed in a white long sleeved shirt, light blue and white plaid skirt, and black flats. Her wavy, blonde hair brought out her light, fair skin as her golden flower earrings brought out her baby blue eyes.

"Sin!" The woman said, hugging Nathan.

"Arya!? What are you doing here!?" Nathan asked surprised.

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