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As the sound of stomping passed by library doors, the teens all let out a relieved sigh.

"Yeah, I was right. The whole school would come after us" Sofia said.

"I mean, they are easy to influence" Isaac shrugged. "Plus, you did strike Tod in the face a few weeks ago."

"It was his fault!" Sofia defended, crossing her arms.

"Sofia, no one's blaming you" Jane reassured. "But if this keeps up, we won't be able to get to rehearsal fast enough."

"Cuz of them, Ms. Rocher is gonna be on my ass." Zane ran his fingers through his hair.

"Ugh, why won't they just leave us alone?!" Emma complained. "With everything they've done, why do this now?"

"Don't you remember what I said?" Sofia asked.

"I do, but....I want it to stop now" Emma answered.

"Maybe we should just stay out of sight again" Xena suggested. "It always worked for me."

"And let them chase us down to our break spots? Hell no!" Isaac argued.

"Hey, it was just a suggestion" Xena put her hands up in defense.

"Yeah, a terrible one" Nathan mumbled.

Sofia slanted her eyes, slapping his shoulder hard.

"Ow! What the hell, brat?!" Nathan winced.

"You're not helping" Sofia addressed. "But he is right. It's not gonna be that easy."

"Then, what did you hit me for?!" Nathan asked.

"Felt like it" Sofia smiled innocently, raising her bottle of ginger ale to her lips.

Nathan let an evil smirk slip his face before grabbing the bottle, squeezing it. The air and liquid in it went up her nose, making Sofia cough frantically.

"Hey—!" Sofia let out a pained cough. "That was uncalled for!"

Nathan unapologetically let out a laugh, something that the group hadn't seen before in the past.

"Sin~!" Jane complained. "This is no time for jokes."

"Alright, alright" Nathan calmed down, wrapping his arm around Sofia's shoulder as she glared at him. "What do you suggest we do then?"

"I don't know, I thought you'd have an answer to this" Jane answered.

"Seriously? You lean on me when you're stuck?" Nathan raised an eyebrow.

"Why not? You're the strategist!" Jane answered.

"You're the oldest" Nathan rolled his eyes, laying his head on Sofia's legs. "Figure it out."

"Why don't we just skip school?" Xena suggested. "We don't have classes, anyway."

"Uh, no. I still have unfinished business to do with Ms. Caravan" Nathan argued.

"Why? You like her class now?" Zane asked.

Nathan scoffed. "As if. I'm just there to make sure she's not teaching those idiots bad math."

"Hey, idiocy resides in the teacher, not the learner" Sofia played with Nathan's hair.

"Why don't we just walk as if we don't care?" Zane suggested.

"Nah, you wouldn't last a minute" Lucas pointed out.

"You—ugh, I can't even argue with that" Zane grumbled. "Oh, why not drop a bucket on Vanessa's head? You know, as payback for—"

"As much I would love to embarrass Vanessa, that seems a bit too...easy" Xena argued.

"Oh come on, you two?" Zane complained.

Xena shrugged.

The group had started throwing out suggestion after suggestion and one after the other, they each pointed out the flaws for about two minutes.

"Can you be quiet?" Sofia asked.

The group immediately stopped talking.

"Okay, do you remember the bucket list we had?" Sofia asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Zane answered.

"Jane, you remember what you said you had planned to do before school ended?" Sofia asked.

"Yeah?" Jane answered.

Sofia smirked mischievously. "I have a plan to put that into action in the best way possible."

Read the story to find out what they do.

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