~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 61~

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chapter 61

Nathan's POV
"Where the hell are they?" Lucas questioned.

"Hey, I already sent Sofia the address" Zane held his hands up.

"Was it the right address?" Lucas questioned.

Zane opened his mouth but then, he froze. Suddenly, he pulled out his phone frantically.

Lucas groaned, laying his back against the wall as he continuously sipped at his iced coffee while biting into his chocolate chip muffin.

I was too indulged into my phone while I read the information from my case file, sipping away at my iced coffee as well.

"Sin, is something wrong?" Jane asked. "You've been staring at your phone for a while since we got here."

"I can't really talk about it here but it's honestly nothing" I told her.

"...If you say so" Jane shrugged.

"Are you sure this is the place?"

"Did you not see the address?"

"Hey, I'm just need reassurance. We got lost, after all."

"Once again, your fault!"

"Oh, there they are!" Jane said.

I turned around to see the other four walking into the door.

"Sorry we were late" Isaac apologized. "Someone doesn't know how to read directions."

Emma folded her arms, turning away from him with a frown on her face.

"It's no biggie" Zane shrugged off. "Anyways, like my fit?"

Zane showed off his birthday outfit, which was a red dress shirt with denim ripped jeans and white sneakers. The ends of his hair had been curled, slightly standing up all around his head as he pointed to the two round, golden helix piercings on the top of his left ear.

"Most definitely suits you" Sofia complimented. "But when did you get the piercings?"

"On Dirt breath's birthday" Zane answered. "Since I'm eighteen now, thought it'd be time to a little change. But I didn't wanna show you until today."

"But...where exactly are we?" Emma asked.

Zane looked at his phone, smiled, and then opened the double doors in front of them as the darkness of the room encircled them. In front of them were four black crates, two on each side of the wall as the red, yellow, green, and blue neon lights encased them.

"Everyone, grab a partner!" Zane grabbed Xena's hand. "Got dibs on red!"

"Hey, no fair!" Jane grabbed Emma's hand, walked over to the yellow.

"Dibs on purple!" Sofia walked over to the purple light that I stood next to.

"So Sin is with Sofia, I'm with Emma, Lucas is with Isaac, and Zane is with Xena" Jane explained. "Those are our teams."

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