~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 44~

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chapter 44

Nathan's POV
I parked my car in the driveway as Isaac parked his in front of my house after school. Once we all got out, we soon walked into the house.

Nora and Sophie immediately disappeared upstairs while the rest of us went into the living room.

"Come on, show us already!" Jane pleaded.

"Yeah, I wanna see it!" Sofia added.

I shook my head, taking a seat on the couch. I took off my black hoodie, my white t-shirt still on, revealing the two tattoos I got the day before.

A large, black lion tattoo was displayed on my right shoulder while two, large overlapped triangles were placed on the left side of my neck.

"Wow!" Sofia admired. "Does it still hurt?"

"Eh, not as much as it did when they were poking the needle into me" I shrugged. "But it's kinda itchy now."

"I can't believe your mom let you get a tattoo that easily" Isaac said. "My mom straight up told me no when I asked."

"That's because you asked for one for your sixteenth birthday" Sofia told him. "Might I remind you that you said it when you were fourteen?"

"Let a kid dream once in a while" Isaac folded his arms.

"Honestly, I was surprised too" I agreed. "Luckily, I kept my grades up long enough to get this."

"But wait, where's the piercing?" Jane tilted my head from side to side.

"What?" Xena asked.

"Remember? Sin said he got a ticket to get a tattoo and a piercing" Jane answered. "But where is it?"

"Oh yeah" Sofia agreed. "Where is it?"

"Or did you not get it?" Isaac asked.

Should I tell them?

I looked over at all of them to see their faces in complete confusion.

I chuckled lowly.

Nah, I don't think I will.

"Where the hell is it?" Isaac asked.

"I didn't get one" I answered.

"Oh. Well, that's disappointing" Sofia sighed.

"Anyways, since we're here, we might as well get our homework done" Jane suggested.


I looked over to Zane as his stomach growled loudly.

"I can't work on an empty stomach, Jane" Zane argued. "I'm gonna go eat before I regret it."

"Count me in on that." Isaac followed after Zane as they walked into the kitchen.

"Speaking of which, where's Miss Lillian?" Sofia asked.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, she didn't greet us at the door at all" Jane agreed.

"But she did leave a note." Lucas walked up to the dining table, picking up a white slip of paper. "...She said she had a work emergency."

"So, she went to work" I said.

"Damn, this fridge is bare" Isaac said. "Not a single leftover in sight."

"It looks like we finished everything in the fridge." Zane walked out of the kitchen.

"Well, Miss Lillian did say we were supposed to cook the meals a few months ago" Jane explained. "Then, I guess we're gonna have to cook something today."

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