~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 43~

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chapter 43

Nathan's POV
Five days later

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIN!!" Zane and Jane yelled.

I smiled slightly at them as I walked down the stairs.

"You've finally reached the eighteenth mark with me" Jane said. "So, how do you feel?"

"Mentally exhausted" I answered. "Other than that, I feel great."

"Nathan, I know you said you didn't want any cake or presents for your birthday, buuuut I just felt the need to give you something." Mom handed me a blue envelope. "It's a gift your father and I decided on."

I took the envelope and opened it. Inside it was two tickets and a piece of paper.

"Go on, read the paper" Mom encouraged.

I took out the paper and unfolded it.

"....Wait, seriously!?" I asked after reading the paper. "You'll let me to do this?"

"Do what?" Zane asked, taking the envelope from me.

"Mhm" Mom agreed. "I know how much you wanted to get at least one tattoo or piercing so I'll give you a pass just this once."

"Thanks, Mom." I gave her a hug.

"You're welcome, sweetheart" Mom hugged me back. "But don't you dare go overboard with it. No more than three tattoos and one piercing."

"Wait, but Dad has a bunch of tattoos on his arms" Nora pointed out.

"He had those before he met me but even then, he was no exception" Mom said. "Just because he's my husband, doesn't mean I didn't lay down my thoughts about all of them."

"So now, it's up to you two to catch up." Jane pointed towards Zane and Lucas.

"Oh, just you wait" Zane said. "I have a very special thing planned for my birthday."



Jane opened the lounge door to see the group by the door. They quickly got in and Jane finally closed it.

"Are we in the clear now?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah, just don't be too loud" Jane said.

They all took a deep breath. "Happy birthday, Sin!"

"Thanks" I chuckled.

"But I wish you told us sooner so I could've gotten you a present" Sofia said. "Like, it's Friday."

"Nah, I didn't want a bunch of presents this year" I said.

"Yeah, Miss L topped that one already" Zane added.

"With what?" Isaac asked.

"She got him tickets to get a tattoo and a piercing" Zane answered.

"Really?! Are you doing it today?" Sofia asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't let an opportunity like that go to waste" I answered. "Besides, I think I have an idea of what I wanna get."

"Which is?" Xena asked.

"You'll see" I answered.

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