~𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 15~

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chapter 15

Nathan's POV
I went to Mom's room the moment we got back from the cabin. Mom's face was hidden behind a thick, red book with her legs covered in her white, fluffy blanket. The lamp on my left created a dim lighting that surrounded the white room while a small glass filled with wine sat on the dresser next to it.

"Mom, we're back!" I said.

"Okay, welcome back" Mom greeted. "How was school today?"

"...Good, I guess" I shrugged.

"What did you do in class today?" Mom asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I can't remember exactly."

"Oh, okay." Mom flipped a page in her book. "Can you go get the other three?"

I comply with her offer and soon, the other three came in.

"Miss L? You called us?" Zane asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to know what you guys did in school today" Mom repeats.

We all look at each other, not uttering a word.

"Well?" Mom asked, dragging on the e.

"Um.....we learned, l-learned—" Jane struggled to speak.

"F-Functions" Zane blurted out. "Yeah...we learned, functions, in Math."

"Oh, that's good." Mom patted a seat in front of her. "Tell me all about it."

Zane looked towards us as Mom's eyes were hidden behind her book. He walked to the foot of her bed, and very slowly sat in front of her feet.

"Go on" Mom encouraged.

"W-Well, when we got there...the teacher started talking about functions...and we did a worksheet in class" Zane explained. "And we have no homework to do either, so...yeah."

"Mhm" Mom hummed. "You wanna know the reason why I called all of you here?"

"W-Why is that?" Jane asked.

"Because I wanted to prove a theory I had" Mom explained.

"W-What theory?" Zane asked.


The book Mom was holding in one hand had shut closed immediately and I saw the dark glare in her golden eyes.

Zane and Jane had flinched while I sighed mentally.

"My theory, was that if no one here was lying about going to school, then everyone of you would have been acting normal" Mom explained. "When Nathan came through and told me he couldn't remember what he learned, I was starting to believe him. Do you know why?"

The other three looked at me and I shrugged.

"Why?" Jane asked.

"Because he has shown in the past to have short term memory so him forgetting something is believable" Mom answered. "Unless it's spoken about directly, he won't remember immediately. But do you know why I didn't believe you three?"

"How come?" Jane asked.

"You came quiet, Lucas was avoiding eye contact, and Zane became a stuttering mess" Mom answered. "If Nathan had forgotten about something, you would've been the first one to remind him, Jane. So for someone who can't remember most things, you sure like to remind people about other things."

Mom pointed to Zane.

"As for you, you could've came home all excited to talk about what happened at school but you didn't" Mom continued. "As for Lucas, he wouldn't have been avoiding this much eye contact if he wasn't hiding anything. So, where did you all go today?"

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