NSFW: Natsu x Reader Modern AU (Request)

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This is my first time writing something like this, so bear with me. Thanks to someone on Ao# for the request. Enjoy! Oh also, I realize that some people would not want to read/be comfortable reading, so I'm posting another separate one shot for people to read so that there's still a new one.


"Why are people turned on by this stuff?" Natsu laughed as he cuddled closer to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, I mean look at the setting. Sex in their boss's office? Really? It's so unrealistic."

Natsu chuckled and pointed to the screen again, making fun of the dramatic dialogue present in the porn they were watching.

"I have to say, (Y/N), this is the weirdest date we've been on."

"No way! That juicing date tops this one. The last thing I was expecting when you said we should go out was to make orange juice."

They turned back to the laptop when they heard moaning. (Y/N) giggled and leaned into Natsu's side.

"This is actually really fun."

"Makes me confident in my choice not to be a porn star."

"Natsu," (Y/N) giggled, "you wouldn't be able to stop laughing if you tried to film a sex scene."

Said man scoffed, "I so could. You're just worried that I'll go off and become super rich."

"Sure Natsu," (Y/N) sarcastically agreed, "that's exactly what I was thinking."

Natsu started snickering, "Even her face is off. Nobody looks like that when they climax."

(Y/N) rolled off the couch and went into the kitchen to get more popcorn when she heard Natsu laughing more. She shook her head as she smiled.

"At least I know you don't watch porn very often," (Y/N) joked.

"Why do that when I have the real thing?" Natsu countered with a smirk.

"Very smooth, Dragneel."

He gave his signature grin and mentioned her over so they could finish watching. They absentmindedly ate the popcorn while they continued to make fun of the scenes. (Y/N) held Natsu's hand as they cuddled, and Natsu squeezed it gently before turning to kiss her cheek. They both smiled at each other before an idea popped into (Y/N)'s head. (Y/N) smiled sweetly as her other hand slipped under the blanket that they had thrown over themselves. Natsu jolted when he felt her hand on his crotch. He chuckled.

"What are you doing? It's almost over. Don't you want to--"

He stopped when (Y/N) gave his pants a soft squeeze. She looked up and saw that his face was dusted pink, so she decided to continue. His breath hitched when he felt her start to rub the area.

"S-so I guess you're...done with...the movie?" Natsu struggled to ask.

(Y/N) crawled closer and leaned next to his ear, whispering, "You're turned on already? That was fast."

Natsu laughed lightly, turning his head so he could face his girlfriend. He gave her a sloppy kiss, barely meeting her lips, before tugging her over so she was straddling him on the couch. (Y/N) played with the hair on the back of his head while Natsu held her by her thighs. They made eye contact, both holding mischievous glints in their eyes. Natsu moved one of his hands and brought it to her cheek to pull her down, kissing her lovingly. He started to trail kisses on her shoulder, making (Y/N) loosen her grip on his hair.

"I have a proposition," Natsu started.

"Oh? And what's that?"

He smirked and held her hips, bringing her closer.

Natsu x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now