The Annoying Things

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This chapter isn't related to Wattpad but I still wanna rant about the little things in life which really annoy me (and probably you, too!).

1. Chewing with your mouth open. There's this girl at my school who ALWAYS chews with her mouth open and makes loud sloppy noises (ew!). One girl pointed this out once but the chewer-mouth-opener just laughed. JUST LAUGHED?! It's disgusting! If you do this, per-lease stop for the sake of others.

2. Taking up the whole pavement (or sidewalk, as Americans call it). This is a MASSIVE pet-peeve for me. I am a pretty fast walker, and when there is a whole line of people walking SLOWLY in front of me, I feel like ripping my hair off my head.  These people are one of the most annoying types of people ever. Once again, if you do this, please respect other people's sanity and stay in a group to the left or right.

3. Undoing tangles in wires and hair. I am currently helping (well, kinda helping since I'm actually typing this) my sister undo some tangles in some Christmas lights. Well, I've now learnt how short my attention span is which is nice. But what I can't stand is how long and fiddly it is trying to get the lights to listen to my orders and UNTANGLE THE F*** UP!

Now hair. Wow. Trying to rake a brush through a bunch of knots is excruciating. Any girls agree here? And it takes AGES to slowly undo the pieces of hair which are tied together, and then brush it out again. I can't even...

4. Things hardly working when you spent ages putting them up. So guys... About a quarter of the lights in my our room don't even work..  Yep. *sigh*

5. People boasting when they eat really nice food and you're just sitting there... Silently planning their death. Need I say more?

6. When your younger sister acts like she's in charge of you. This has happened so many times. Thank poop I only have one younger sister or I'd have a lot of beating up to do. I mean... Uh...

If you know any more, leave them in the comments and see if I can relate to them! Thank you all so much for reading and MERRY TWO-DAY-EARLY CHRISMAS!

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