The Worst Ever

312 39 14

So yesterday I wrote a nice long rant to be published, and guess what?

This isn't it.

Wattpad so amazingly decided to delete that chapter and make me fucking rewrite it!

Well, instead of using that rant I can just rant about this since it's pretty much worse than my rant anyway!

I used the word rant three times in that sentence...

And why did Wattpad remove the status bar?! I know it's been gone for ages now, but it was a great part of Wattpad! Now if I have a thought I have to put it on my MESSAGE BOARD! *shudders*

Also, I'm thinking of browsing through the clubs. I mean, reading 'Wattpad's Dirty Little Secrets' (I love that rant book) it seems like many scary things happen on there, but that's perfect! I need something (hey, maybe even someone) to have a good long rant about.

If any of you have experienced bad things happen in one of the clubs, please tell me in the comments! Make my life interesting *cries*


Sorry this is so short, but don't worry! Once I've had a snoop through the clubs and hopefully find something interesting, I'll be back. Hehe


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