Auto Correct

583 30 9

On my phone (which I use to write stuff) I downloaded a keyboard because it looked nice and had emojis. Although auto correct can be a bitch, it usually enables me to type much faster and it will just correct everything to how I want it.

For some really annoying reason, this app decides to suddenly turn off its auto correct at random times so I have to wait till I realise what's happened and then turn it back on again.

Plus, it's an american keyboard yet I'm British, so words like colour auto correct to color.


But I love the keyboard despite those little things. It's really pretty.

Also... It was my birthday last Tuesday! Yay me.

You know what else I find annoying?

Not knowing when your hair has been completely washed of all shampoo so you constantly scrub at it until it feels like straw.

Or is this just me?

Oh: and that awesome moment wjrn you find a new favourote song!

As you can tell, my auto correct has just turned off. Again.

* * *

It's been a long day.. Without you my friend...
Just kidding I hate that song.

Thank you for reading! Tell me rants through PM - warning: I am such a slow replier.


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