How Not To Write A Story

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I was just flicking through one of my notebooks from a couple years ago, and came across an unfinished story that was ridiculously stupid... And I wanted to share it with you! I was gonna start a whole new book, but thought that'd be stupid too and decided to put it on here as an example. It's kinda cliché, but not much and it just sounds weird to me. Anyway, I'll let you read it now. And don't worry, I've written it down exactly word for word on here, not joking. Everything, even all the punctuation is written exactly the same as it is in the book. Enjoy laughing your ass off! (Even the spelling mistakes will stay the same!)


Don't you just hate it when you have to move school? Well, that's what I'm doing. Mum thought this would be a great idea because there are too many dumb kids in my class. I'm moving tomorrow so today I'm going to say bye to my friends. Amy, my best friend, is devastated I'm leaving. "Oh, I'll miss you so" sniffed Amy. "I will too, of course I will" I said.

"Does your mum think I'm stupid?" "No, I told her you passed that test yesterday and she really like you" I said. I moved on to say bye to Emily, Lisa, Holly, Lucy. Then there was Emerald, the most popular girl in the school. Everyone thought she was amazing but me. She was bossy, and mean, basically a bully. Whenever I told of her the teachers never believed me. It was so annoying. Soon I'm going to get told off for telling tales.

I'm glad I won't have to put up with her in my new school though, but I'm rubbish at making friends, so what would I do when I'm there. I don't want to sit around on my own, looking stupid. I already look stupid enough thanks, with my hair tied back right at the top of my head, and my ugly green uniform, plus my shoes were green so that made it worse, but I got some shiny black ones that look a lot better. Amy thinks I'm beautiful but I bet she only said that to make me feel good.

I'm quite worried to be going somewhere different, it'll seem strange. I also hope my teacher's nice. School just ended so I'm going to say one last good bye to everyone. "Bye Amy, I'll miss you, and Emily and Lisa and Holly and Lucy, bye everyone." Everyone hugged me goodbye, and that made me cry so mum had to drive me home, quick. Then she sat me down on the sofa and cradled me until I fell asleep in her arms.

I slept for ages, until mum rushed into the room and told me to get dressed. I did as I was told and set off for school. Mum had told me the way a million times so I know where to go. When I got there, I walked to the playground and stood around. I wanted to look nice on my first day so I let my hair hand loose, and I had black boots with small heels on them.

The school uniform was a light blue top, a dark blue jumper, black trousers or tights and skirts and you had to wear a badge for some strange reason. As it was summer I wore a light blue checked summer-dress with white socks and like I said, the black boots. Suddenly, a bell went off and we had to line up. I was with a teacher called Mrs Heart, so she was a woman.

I loved her name and when she came out to collect us she was beautiful. She had long, blonde hair and a dress with hearts on. And her shoes were pink high heels. She looked very young, and she was very kind. When we got into class, Mrs Heart said I was new to the school, so everyone had to be nice to me. I missed Amy a lot, but I tried to do hard in our work and getting on with all the other kids. Everyone stared at me first, and it got annoying, but then Mrs Heart noticed and told them to stop. I really like Mrs Heart, she's so nice to me.

Chapter 2: Making friends

It's going to be hard making friends. Everyone thinks, I'm the 'teachers pet.' I just sit on the benches at break, it was like I wasn't there, nobody noticed me. "Can I sit with you?" Says a voice. I looked up and noticed someone sitting on the other bench. "Don't you mean, sit next to me?" I said.

"I'm bad at English" "I guessed" I said, slightly laughing. She laughed too. "I hear you are new, are you?" "Yeah, I have no friends" I said. "I've been here for 4 years and I don't have any friends either." I was shocked! "Well, I have one. Her name is Sally, she's very quiet like me." "Whats your name then?" I asked. "Oh, my name's Lucy." "My old friend was named that too," I said. Then tears fell down my cheeks.

I longed to be back with Lucy herself. "And whats your name then?" She asked. "I'm Lillie" I sobbed. "Well people, mean people, call me silly Lillie." "Why's that, I love your name" she said. "My mum says I have a lovely name too, and if it keeped getting changed to silly Lillie I could just change my name" "What to?" "I like the name Eliza Orangesfieldflowerapple-prettygirl." I said. I stopped crying and put my arm round Lucy. "Are we friends?" I asked. "Yes, I'm glad we're friends, I really like you" she said.

"Oh Lucy!" I wrapped my arms round her again and hugged her. I actually made a friend on my first day. I was happy chatting to Lucy when the bell went so we had our first proper lesson. It was maths. A test! I was amazing at tests so I new I would do good in this one. When it started, it was easy, but eventually it got harder and harder. I finished 10 minutes before we were supposed to, so I just waited.

Then Mrs Heart gave us the answers, we swapped our tests with the person next to us and marked them. "Wow!" Whispered the person checking my work. "You got full marks!" I was delighted when I heard the word 'full'. "Your so clever" she said. "Thanks!" I answered back. "For some reason I seem to like you, can we be friends?" I can't believe she said it so quick. "Of course we can" I said. "Whats your name?" "Lillie" "Oh, my name is Fantasy" she said. Isn't that beautiful. I loved her name, and I already had 2 friends. Amazing!

Chapter 3: Lessons

The bell rang and we all went into class. "Our second lesson is History." Said Mrs Heart. I hate history! I'm rubbish at it. "We were going to actually, but I hate history too, so instead we'll do maths!" I was shocked she would do this, but I don't like history, so it didn't matter did it? The sums seemed more complicating than usual, and I only got 6 out of 10. Fantasy got 9 out of 10. Ok, so maybe me and Fantasy are equal at maths, which isn't something I'd like to admit.

I think I like Lucy better, but Fantasy is a good lesson friend - and she could help me with my maths. The third lesson was French - something I'm quite confident with. "Just to check how good you are, could Lillie please count to ten en francis!" The french teacher says. "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neurf, dix" I count fluently. "Well done!" She says, and hands me a sticker. I smile.Life at this new school will be good. I can tell...


Please do NOT leave comments saying 'you spelt this-and-that wrong, you should've done this-and-that.' I KNOW! This is how NOT to write a story, keep that in mind please. If you laughed at this, please vote, comment and follow for a follow! (Oh, and also if you have any rants for the next chapter please PM me because I need ideas!) THANX!!!! :D

(P.S it took me ages to type this up, please do comment on your thoughts. And I know I updated sooooo quick, but, oh well! Also if you want this chapter to be dedicated to you, comment straight away and I'll get right to it! Remember the saying though: first come, first served)

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