I can't believe it! (ft. @KHMaster101)

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Ugh! I've already ranted about Wattpad celebrities but one particular person has made me want to do it again!

So, I was casually browsing one of my favourite writer's profiles on my laptop (because, why not use my laptop?) and noticed something. I'm not going to say who it is, but she had way over 17K followers and was only following five people.

But it gets worse. One day, she followed me and I was f*cking over the moon! It made me like her even more, and I was certain she was the best person ever. I only have, what, three famous Wattpadders following me? But she actually followed me! Plain, silly old me who isn't famous like her. I felt like she had made me famous!

Now, I check to see who she's following. What? Jadey is really curious. I assume I'll be on that list, I assume I'll see jadey800 written on the laptop screen. Nope. Not. At. All. She unfollowed me for absolutely no reason at all. I had never been rude to her, I always read her books and genuinely liked her. I voted on every single one of her chapters, I commented positive things, not because I felt I had too - because I genuinely liked her writing!

Right now, I'm fuming. You can judge me all you like, say she can unfollow whoever she wants, but I did nothing to make her unfollow me. All the people she was following were her friends, people she always talked to on her message board and people who were practically her identical twin. They all talked the same, acted the same, wrote the same kinda things and liked the same kinda things. So she thinks they're the only people worthy enough to be followed by her? Is it something about me she just thought - okay, let's see who to unfollow.. Ew, definitely her. And her, and her, ooh, her! Ugh, it's jadey800. What a weirdo. Eh, she has enough followers so she won't notice when I'm gone. *clicks the unfollow button*

Well, you wanna know something? I noticed. I'll always notice if one of my favourite people unfollow me. It might take me days, weeks, months, heck, even years till I notice - but I WILL notice!

I'm not trying to make that sound threatening by the way. I'm just saying, I'll realise eventually and I will want answers. So, you can unfollow me. It will be sad, but I'll move on. All I ask is that you have a reason for it.

And someone agrees with me! KHMaster101 submitted a rant just after I'd saved this chapter, who wrote:

I hate these kind of people. They follow me. I follow them back because I'm being nice and a few days later (and sometimes a few minutes), they unfollow me and be like "They don't know who I am."

Like what the hell? Do you think its nice playing around with people's followers count?! Gaining followers is a big thing for people on this site (especially me). Don't go following me, ask me to follow you back and then unfollow me!

See? It's not exactly the same situation, but we both hate it when someone unfollows us for no reason! So a very big thank you to KHMaster for submitting that, I am extremely appreciative! Thank You!!


Thank you for reading that. I hope I didn't come off as saying you're not allowed to unfollow me, because I certainly didn't mean it like that at all! It just annoyed me how she suddenly unfollowed me when I know I didn't do a single thing to deserve it :( I hope you don't think I'm an evil witch now.. trust me, I'm not!  

Thank you for voting, commenting and following me. I really do look at my number of reads and think: people are actually reading this. I really do appreciate it when someone stops to write a comment. I am grateful when you take the time to read my chapters. THANK YOU EVERYONE!

P.S. my horror book 'It's All In Your Head' is now completed. I'm not sure if I'll be doing another horror book for a while... Probably not. I want to do something different, but I'm really not sure yet. I need to think of a good story idea. I'll keep you updated if anything else happens though!


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