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Thank you so much @Tasteful_Music for submitting an excellent rant which I really enjoyed reading!

Tasteful wrote:

When kids completely disrespect their parents for stupid reasons.

Example: the mum works five jobs and they live in a cruddy apartment.

"Like OMG mum you're never home so why should I listen to you. You're never in my life so keep out of it!" Lol whut? Your mum is the reason that you have food, clothes, a roof over your heads and for some reason and iPhone.


The daughter comes in with cuts, bruises and an amputation- exaggeration

"Oh Jesus Amber, what happened? Are you okay? Oh God" the mother wailed in worry and horror.

"Will you stop ruling my life?!" The daughter screamed. "Why can't you leave me alone? God you're so annoying."

Uh dafuq. Do you know how many kids would die for a parent, like many children are praying for parents and you're complaining. Smh.

Thank you once again, I completely agree.

Nobody realises how important parents are! They play a massive part in your life and you should really make the most of them ~ Jade's pep talk of the month.

And when kids are disrespectful to their own flesh and blood?! UGH NO! You're just so fucking selfish! STOP! You bitchy, picky people don't deserve any parents at all if you're gonna treat them like that. Who agrees?

I mean, they literally do everything for you (fine, almost everything), like washing and drying your clothes, cooking your dinner, PAYING FOR THE WIFI, and many more. To be honest, if you didn't have them...

You'd be worthless.

So be grateful for your parents! Make the most of what they do for you before you turn old enough to do your own chores -_-

~ Jade's second pep talk of the month


A/N thank you so much for sticking with me all this time! Put your hand up if you've stuck with me since chapters 1, 2 or 3 in the comments! well obviously I have, I've been writing this book..

Thank You for the reads, votes & comments over the past... Over 50 chapters! *screams* thank you! Thank you so much!


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