"Ugh" Rants

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I'll add in your rants (the ones you sent me) in the next chapter. Today, I wanna do my own thing!

I feel like I have a lot of chapters where it's other people ranting (not that I have a problem with that) and I just want to whine and complain about things which you might be able to relate to. I don't like whining to people in real life because I feel like a moany bitch, so I'm gonna so it here. Hope you don't mind!

So.. "Ugh" rants. Things in life which aren't majorly bad, but still make you go ugh! I'm just a normal, innocent (... Okay, that's a lie) girl like you so you should be able to relate to these things.

1. My hair.

Sometimes I just look in the mirror and look away again, or stare at myself and just really tell myself... You're an ugly bitch.

Do you ever do that? Just look in the mirror and think, "I'm so ugly."

Well, I certainly do it. A lot, actually.

I used to think, after I'd finished drying and brushing my hair after a bath, that my hair looked so golden and shiny and just so beautiful. Trust me, it looked amazeballs.

Now, I try to avoid all mirrors to stop myself getting depression.

It's gone dull. Not shiny. Dull. And one thing I hate the MOST is that my hair has no volume. It never has, really. But I notice it more nowadays. It's just so f*cking flat! Limp and flat on my head.

Ugh! (Actually this is more of just an "ugh" moment. It's more of a "FML FML FML" moment. If you don't know what that stands for, good for you.)

2. Expectations vs. Reality

Expectation: it's the first day back of school, the teachers will go easy on us and give us no homework!

Reality: oh look. Look at all this homework. Great. I love homework.


Expectation: makeup will totally transform me! I'll look so glam!

Reality: who's that potato staring at me in the mirror?

Expectation: I don't need to go to the toilet now, so I won't need to go for ages.

Reality: *steps outside*

Shit I need to pee.

Expectation: school will be okay on the first day back, I'll get to see my friends!


Expectation: I'm bored. I know, let's write another chapter for a book on Wattpad so I can be productive!

Reality: I'm bored, but I still can't be bothered to write.

Expectation: omg so I've done most of my homework, only one piece left now so I'll do that straight after dinner then relax.

Reality: *doesn't do homework after dinner*

*ends up leaving it to the day before it's due*

Expectation: I know if I do 100 situps tonight I'll have a body to die for by tomorrow.

Wattpad RantsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang