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A massive THANX to @JillianStories for submitting a rant which I'm sure we'll all agree with :D I really appreciate it since I had no other rants to add :/

Anyway, she said:

I hate how people make there blondes-well how people make blondes bitchy and like the populars always. sure I do it but now I switched around and made the popular I use a red head. Like everyone makes there populars: Blonde,blue/green eyes,skinny,bitchy. How cliché is that... I just hate it, anyways it's so annoying... Like it offends people who aren't bitchy and are blondes.

Once again, thank you so much!

And I agree. Wow, how many times have I spoken about clichés? A bajillion, but I don't think I've written about this so here we go.

Hopefully you all know I am a blonde, and hopefully you don't think I'm stupid. :/ Anyways..

It is really offensive! To me, and I'm sure to others too! But c'mon, why are the blondes always the bitchy ones? And why do they always look the same, like Jillian pointed out? Blonde, blue/green eyes, skinny. All the blonde teachers in my school are fat actually! And loads of blonde celebs have brown eyes, so why are they always described like that?

Why why why?!

It's the same in most stories — there's the average girl, probably with brown hair who's obviously got to be the MC (main character). There's the sizzling hot 'bad boy' and his girlfriend...

The blonde, blue-eyed skinny bitch of the school.

Ahhh, where's the originality in that?!

It's so over-used and so cliché. Can't the popular NOT be fucking blonde for once?! OR CAN THERE NOT BE A POPULAR GIRL AT ALL?

One word people: originality.


Please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me.

I'm sorry for it being short. Geez, I'm running outta ideas! Imma go search for some books on Wattpad, and come back with another rant for you all. Hopefully longer next time but I can't make any promises...

Anyways, leave your amazing comments in the comment section as I lurve reading them and replying! If you enjoyed this remember to vote, share and follow for a follow!

Also please do check out the story on my joint account- @AwesomeAuthors11. We're on that account a lot too and we follow for a foooooollow! <3




Oh and I also have a question!

When does school start for you?

For me it starts on Tuesday which, if you didn't know, is TOMORROOOOOOOOOW! Please leave your answers in the comment section! Thank You!

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