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Dedication and SHOUTOUT to an awesome person, @ThePaperPlane. Thanks SOOO much for giving me something to rant about! I STRONGLY recommend checking out her profile – she also has three hilarious joke books which I absolutely l.o.v.e.d.

Now, onto the rant!

So, she said, have you noticed how unrealistic bullying plotlines have been? Do you wanna know why? Well, here it is...

1) Surely it hasn't just been us that have realised that almost EVERY story about bullying is from the victim's perspective? It's always a sad story, about a boy/girl/man/woman who is being bullied at school/work/wherever, and who probably goes home at night and cry themselves to sleep or self harms, etc. Why? Just why?

The bully must have a reason for being so horrible, and maybe the readers wanna know about that? Perhaps the bully is trying to defend him/herself, be cool, or wants to avenge someone? There's so many different possible reasons which could make the story so interesting, if you JUST CHANGED UP THE EFFIN' PLOT A BIT AND USED A DIFFERENT PERSON'S PERSPECTIVE! #PepTalkOfTheChapter


I mean, talk about cliché. Ok, I wouldn't class it as cliché yet but at the way it's goin', I wouldn't say anything too soon.. Just sayin', make those stories have their own little twistbut an ACTUAL twist, don't be one of those people that say "theres an awesum twist!!!1!!1" and then it's just cliché the whole way through. Bleh.

2) The victim description. Dayum, that rhymed!

No, seriously – I couldn't agree more with PaperPlane on this one.

Most people focus on the victim's looks when they describe them, and to make it worse, they make them sound ridiculously ugly.

I have a couple thoughts on that...

a. Not everyone who is ugly is bullied.

b. Why the victim's LOOKS?

Looks don't define people, everything about them does! Sure, that may be the most interesting part to read about (which in my case, actually isn't), but we want to know more about your character. However, don't tell us everything about them in one paragraph, as that just gets confusing. Yeah... It can be complicated.

Anyway, how about describing their PERSONALITY? What are they actually like? Maybe they're kind and shy so they're an easy target, or a complete asshole so they actually deserve to be bullied. There are many reasons for someone to be bullied, not just their looks so why not think about that too?

Make your story better and non-cliché! For the sake of humanity...

3) The ACTUAL plotlines.

Now, this is the really unrealistic part! While people are getting bullied in books, shouldn't there be security cameras in places like classrooms, hallways, canteens etc – where the bullying is happening? Yes. Yes, yes and yes. I don't know any schools without them, and if any don't, then...

What the fuck?!


Honestly, hasn't anyone thought about that? And why are the teachers so ignorant and stupid? It's pretty much their JOB to stop bullying, so... Why don't they?! It should be stopped within, what, a day or two?

Make your stories realistic people!


MASSIVE THANX TO @THEPAPERPLANE AGAIN! Go follow her, 'cause she was the one who helped me with this chapter! :D
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