Those People...

2.4K 149 211

Smile! :) I updated early 'cause I'm feeling generous :D

Hello, this is the type of people on Wattpad. You should all fit into a category. Comment which one you are!

1) Those people that comment on the first few chapters of a book, and then randomly stop commenting. I find these people really annoying, actually. I can already think of a few...

2) Those people that never vote nor comment, simply because they can't be bothered. You're so aggravating!

3) Those people that are super kind and awesome and comment/vote on every chapter. I love love love everyone of those people, though sadly there are only a few.

4) Those people that think getting reads is the most important thing ever. I mean, I think it's great knowing people are reading, but it's not all I care about!

5) Those people that everyone hates: the haters. Those people that will just hate on you for any reason possible. The misery's.

6) Those people that are a bit too kind. Won't say anything bad because they're afraid of what they'll say in response. You need to loosen up, they can't kill you! Atleast I think so...

7) Those people that act like Wattpad celebrities. I've already written a chapter on how they act, so you should know.

8) Those people that bring their normal life onto a website (Wattpad). They tell us all their business that nobody cares about, and it's just sickening!

9) Those people that only follow because they expect to get a follow back. Selfish pigs.

10) Those people that are good writers, kind and sensible people. The ones I like making friends with :)

11) Those people that write a chapter of their first book, and then you never hear from them again. What happened to you guys?

12) Those people that always beg you to read their book, when it looks boring as hell. Happened to me, BUT THEY WANTED ME TO READ THEIR 1D FAN FIC!!!

13) Those people that start a conversation with you and THEN SUDDENLY DON'T REPLY! Unless it's for a good reason, this is super annoying. Please guys, don't do it!

14) Those people that are so fu**ing rude. They make a deal with you, like this:

Person: hey, if you vote/comment/follow me, I'll do it back. Deal?

Me: (Not wanting to be rude) Um, ok!

Me: *follows them and votes on one of their books*

Me: I did it! Now it's your turn! :)


Me: *unfollows and unvotes* Ugh! Rude!

That is soooo annoying and soooo rude! Like, what the eff? I did that for you and you ignore me? Huh? Do you think I'm stupid or something? I WILL GET REVENGE ONE DAY!

15) Those people that are selfish pigs and go around asking people to follow them just because they want more followers! I met one person like this, and they took advantage of me. I so badly wanna tell you their name. PM to find out.

Anyway, they kept asking questions like (and this is what exactly happened, no lie. It was quite a while ago though):

Them: Hey can you follow me?

Me: *Not wanting to be rude* ok then!

Them: Can you check out my story (insert story name)?

Me: sure!

Them: remember to vote!

Me: ok

Them: can you add it to your reading list?

Me: um.. ok

Them: thankssss

Them: can you check out my other story?

Me: *thinking* stop asking me stupid questions! You're taking advantage of me! Fine *rolls eyes*

Them: can you dedicate a few chapters to me? Like, 3-4?

Me: but I have 7 books!

Them: ok, one in each which is 7 in total!

Me: sorry, I can't do it now. I'll get round to it tomorrow :) *thinking* not, ha ha

Them: ok thankss

How rude! I'm so angry right now just thinking about it. They deserve a piece of my mind!

16) Edit: Those people that vote but never comment. It's so annoying! I mean, thanx for voting & all, but can't I have some feedback? What do you think? I think you call these people 'silent readers' or something.


If you want another chapter like this, tell me in the comments and you could get lucky. Vote if you enjoyed!

Please leave a comment (being 100% honest) which one(s) you think you are. I'm excited to read them all and reply!

Mind sharing this book for me? Put it on your status and tell people about it! If I see 100+ reads by the end of the day, I swear I'll update super quick! BUT if I don't, update will be same time as usual. Nah, I won't keep updates from you, I'm not that mean... Lol XD

So please vote, comment and follow for a follow!


PS omg thanx for all the reads, I'm so happy!!! I love you all! <3

(Wait, don't worry - I told that girl what I thought. She probably hates me now. Still, I said it as kindly as possible, and to be honest she needs to learn how to use this site!)

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