Déjà Vu

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Bright's POV

How can someone be that freaking adorable? The shirt I got Kammon was a size too big He has his sleeves cuffed and is tucked in only in the front. Knott clears his throat to bring me back to what I am supposed to be doing. Part of me wants to thank Arthit for letting me lead this, and the other part of me wants to murder him.

I spent most of SOTUS looking at the girls. Strangely the ones I found the cutest are part of our group now. Of course, that was before I knew Prae favored girls, and the other two were just frightening underneath the girl next door personas they both had.

Ok. Time to do this.

"Sawasdee Khrap, first year students," I begin, "My name is Bright. I am a third year and your senior in the Faculty of Engineering." I frown, looking at P'Win. I am not his senior, but I guess for the purposes of this, I am. It is just weird. Just a few months ago, I was trying to beat him to death. Arthit clears his throat, and I return to explaining what we are doing.

"I am also in charge of monitoring throughout the year to make sure you remain disciplined and that you comply with the rules," I stop, looking at our nongs. "I expect full cooperation from all of you." I lose my train of thought when I see Kammon blinking up at me open-mouthed. Seriously, how can he be so cute? Tutah coughs, and I look at him.

"Continue," he mouths, and I nod. Shit! What is next? Oh!

"I would like to congratulate all of you for entering here today, but," I pause for effect. "You are not considered my official junior yet," I pull out my gear, holding it up, "Not until you own this ."

Glancing back at my friends, I smile, "Gears are cogwheels that work together systematically for a mechanism to function." Closing my hand around my gear, I continue, "If one cogwheel is missing, none of the other gears can function properly." Place my gear back in my pocket. "That is why the gear is the symbol for us, engineers."

Take a step closer to the edge, "It symbolizes our honor and dignity of not just a particular person but us all." I start to pace, "To earn your gear, you must learn and understand what SOTUS is." I finish back in my place. You know I could have made a pretty good head hazer. Tutah steps forward.

"You must attend every gathering and not be late," Tutah chimes in, "You must also respect your seniors." He turns and grins at Prem. "You must also follow our orders."

"Understood?" I ask, looking at our nongs.

"Understood," they reply. I try not to smile at Kammon when he looks at me.

"Now, do you all want to know us? Your seniors?" I question.

"Yes," They once again reply as one.

"Do you want to know your seniors?" I ask them again.

"Yes!" They shout. I hold out a hand, and Knott places a book in my hand.

"Then, I want you to introduce yourself to senior students and get their signatures," I explain, holding the book up. "Twenty signatures in thirty minutes." I look at N'Kongpop, waiting for him to challenge me.

Just like the first time, the nongs are murmuring amongst themselves but go quiet when Kammon's hand shoots up. I am shocked. I turn and look at Arthit, who hides his smile behind his hand.

"I have yet to tell you our custom," I say, turning back to the nongs, "You must stand up and state your name and student code before you can say anything." I watch as Kammon stands up.

"Kammon, student code 0907," He states flatly. What did he say? That can't be his code.

"Can you repeat that?" I demand.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now