Tomorrows Are Not Always There

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Jett's POV

"Jett," Tutah asks, coming out of the bathroom. "What do you want to order to eat?"

I look over at Tutah and see he is drying his hair. I glance back at the envelope I just found in Tutah's backpack. Before he went into the shower, I asked if he had a circuit tester, and he had told me it was in his bag. The circuit tester is sitting on the table now, and the letter I found under it is in my hand. I run my fingers over the names. Mine is there along with P'Tay's. How did Tutah end up with this?

"Jett," Tutah calls again, "I can explain." The tone of his voice makes me look at him.

"Explain?" I ask. The word echoes in my ears. How do you explain a letter from the dead? "How?"

"Don't get mad," Tutah pleads, "I was going to give it to you."

"Give it to me?" I am dumbfounded. "Is that what you think needs to be explained?" I hold the letter out to Tutah. "This is from a dead man!"

"I know, Jett," Tutah tells me, reaching for the envelope, and I jerk it out of his reach.

"The dead don't write letters," I choke, "They don't tell you anything because they are dead!"

"Jett," Tutah's voice quavers, "Calm down. I will explain." He takes a step toward me, and I do something I have never done before to him. I take a step back. "Jett?"

The look on Tutah's face is pained. It makes my heart hurt, but I can't undo what I just did, nor do I want to. Grabbing my bag, I walk to the door and leave without another word. If I stay, I will only hurt Tutah more.

"Jett!" I hear him yell after me, but I don't stop. I walk blindly into the night.

"Hey, nong," the driver calls, "Are you sure you want to be dropped off here?" I look out the window and nod

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"Hey, nong," the driver calls, "Are you sure you want to be dropped off here?" I look out the window and nod. Picking up my bag, I hand him the fare before I step out of the taxi.

As the taxi drives off, I take in the park. It has been years since I have been here, not since that day, to be exact. Pulling out my phone, I stare at the darkened screen, debating if I should turn it back on or not. I turned it off when I got in the taxi. It was the only way I could really be alone. I run my hand over it, wondering how upset Tutah is.

"I'm sorry, P'," I mumble. "I'm sorry." I wipe away a tear with the back of my hand.

Peering around, I realize very little has changed. Following the path, I make my way to the bridge, and my heart twists when it comes into view.

"It is like it is stuck in time," I whisper. Speaking any louder feels wrong. For a moment, the past overlays with the present, and I see P'Tay waving from the center of the bridge, smiling.

Tonight is very much like that night. The night P'Tay called me to meet him here. Looking to the side, I see my younger self wave back at P'Tay laughing, reaching out. I try to stop the younger me from going to P'Tay. I want to warn him that everything will change if he goes, but I can only follow the ghost me to the bridge. The past is the past, and this scene has already played out to a deadly end.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now