Blue Jackets

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Tutah's POV

The Pretty One: P' there are guys in blue
hazer jackets heading to the bball court

The Scary One: I heard they were looking for someone

The Taken One: What uni wears blue?

The Scary One: P'Tutah can I get a new name?

Pink Milk: Blue?

RBF: How many?

The Pretty One: 7

Toot: maybe later scary one

The Scary One: P!

Papa Knott: N'Jett's old uni?

Dim Bulb: We never asked where 
he transferred from shit

The Old One: doesnt matter this is our uni nobody
asked permission to step on grounds

The Taken One: oh

The Scary One: y arent the guys answering

Pink Milk: shit

Papa Knott: girls stay away

The Pretty One: ok

The Taken One: okay

The Scary One: ...

Toot: nong?

The Scary One: k

"Why the hell would these assholes come on our grounds?" Arthit yells as we run to the basketball court. Why is it always the basketball court? I hope these guys aren't after N'Jett. We still don't know what his problem was at his old university. We haven't had time to ask him since we are dealing with the P'Dean problem.

"I think it is time we ban the nongs from playing basketball!" I puff out. "They always get in trouble there."

"Isn't this like declaring uni war?" Bright huffs. "I don't think another campus has ever come here."

"Why do you think the nongs weren't answering?" Prem asks.

"Their phones are probably on the bench while they are playing," Knott surmises. We all nod in agreement as we run around the corner of the building. What the hell!

The seven guys in blue have all of the nongs cornered. N'Wad, N'Aim, N'Tew, and N'Kongpop are standing in front of my nongs. N'Jett is being held back by N'Oak.

"Getting others to fight your damn fight now, nong," One of the guys in blue sneers. "Wuss! Or are they trying to take your ass? Oops! I meant to impress it." What the hell did that bastard just say?

"I can fight my own damn fight, asshole," N'Jett swears at him as he tries to push past N'Kongpop. "I am not you! You guys can only fight as a group! You are too fvcking scared to fight one on one!" OK! Now I am pissed. They attacked my nong as a group. Cowards!

"You guys need to leave before our seniors come," N'Kongpop warns with a smile. Arthit might find that smile adorable, but it looks downright sinister right now.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora