Makes Me Happy

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Prem's POV

Waking up, I stretch, pausing as I realize I am still naked in bed. I turn my head and see Wad sleeping next to me. The light from the parted curtain makes it easy to see him lying sprawled on his stomach; the sheet has ridden down, exposing his back. My heart twists as I follow every scar from beginning to end on his back, reminding me of the other reason we had come here. I lay back, sighing as I cover my eyes with my arm.

Last night was more than perfect, the night market, dinner, and the beach. I run my hand down my bare chest, remembering what happened when we returned to the room. The last time we had tried to be intimate, I had ended on the floor with a split lip and Wad screaming in a corner as he fought with the demons of his past. Since then, I had kept our intimacy to just kissing. Which, to be honest, was getting very hard for me.

I had not expected Wad to take the initiative like he did last night. He had stopped me from going to change and began removing my clothes. I had wanted to do the same for him, but I was afraid I would trigger something, so I let him do everything on his own. When he removed his shirt, I was shocked. It was the first time he had ever bared himself in front of me. I also recognized the moment when his fear surfaced. I dared to stroke his cheek as I reminded him that he was always beautiful to me. His face relaxed, and he continued.

Keeping my hands to myself was torture, but I wanted Wad to control what was happening, not me. I don't know how I lasted as long as I did since I thought I would cum at his first touch, but I let him explore me. He mapped my body with his mouth. I feel my neck, knowing there is a mark left by him, and smile. When he finished, I couldn't help myself and rolled him over to indulge him with what he had just given me. Knowing I would only go as far as he did with me, I explored him as thoroughly as he had me. I smirk, knowing we had leveled up.

Wad's familiar movements in his sleep have me reaching over to pull him into my chest, and I begin to hum, stilling him. I can feel his scars against my skin, and it makes me angry that I can't take them from him. As I hum, I begin to fear how he will react when I tell him about his half-brother.

I can feel he is now awake. "Morning," I nuzzle his neck, watching as his ears go red.

"Morning," Wad mumbles before he turns in my arms to look at me. I can't help but smile at him. He makes me happy. Silly as that sounds to me, he makes me happy.

I pull him closer and kiss his cheek, "We need to get up," I murmur, "As much as I would like to spend the day in bed with you, we need to get..." I trail off as I look down when I hear his stomach growl and laugh as I continue, "get you some food."

"Ok, what is the plan today," he laughs with me as his stomach rumbles again. "Besides getting food."

"I wanted to go to Phraya Nakhon Cave, and if we get back in time, maybe go to Khao Takiab," detailing some of the places I had researched before coming here this weekend.

"That sounds nice," Wad agrees, "A little touristy, but I hear the cave is beautiful, and it would be fun to see the monkeys on Monkey Mountain. I had a friend who came here who told me about them. He also said the views at the temple on top were fantastic." He gives me a quick kiss before he slides out from under the sheets gracing me with the lovely view of his ass as he walks to the bathroom. Leaning back, I groan because now I think spending the day in bed would have been a better option.

Wad's POV (Slight Mature Content to Follow if you don't like it, you can skip it.)

Leaning against the vanity in the bathroom, I place my hand on my heart. I might have acted calm, but my heart was beating like a drum in my chest. Turning, I look at my reflection in the mirror. I touch the marks P'Prem left trailing from my neck to my chest. I cup my cheeks as the blush and smile, remembering last night.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now