Comes With Instructions

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.Knott's POV

"Oh, P'Knott," N'Kongpop says, "I thought you were P'Arthit, and he had forgotten his key. He went to get breakfast. Come on in; he should be here soon," he adds as he opens the door wider for me to come in. I notice N'Kongpop is dressed in just boxers and has a towel wrapped around his neck.

"Sorry for just showing up," I mumble as I walk into the room. This was not what I expected when I decided to talk about my problem with Arthit this morning.

"It is ok," N'Kongpop smiles. "I am just going to go finish getting dressed." Grabbing his clothes before he goes into the bathroom.

I knew N'Kongpop and Arthit stayed at each other's dorms often, but I guess I never thought they 'stayed' at each other's dorms. They have only been seeing each other just a little bit longer than Tew and I have been. Aren't they moving a little fast? Or am I moving too slow? I groan as I run my hand through my hair.

"What's your problem?" Arthit smirks as he walks in the door. I look at the closed bathroom door and back to Arthit as he is setting the food and drinks on the table.

"How far have you gone with N'Kongpop?" I blurt out. Arthit's face flushes red. Well, I guess that answers my question. I am slow. "Oh..."

"Not that far!" Arthit huffs. "Just...," He presses his hand on the back of his neck as he looks anywhere but at me. "You know... hands... mouths. It is embarrassing as hell to talk about this, Ai'Knott!! Why the fvck am I talking about this with you anyway? You are the only one of us dating a guy who HAD dated a guy. All of us are just fumbling our way through this shit!"

"Yeah, I am the only one...," I trail off.

P'Arthit looks back at the bathroom door when he hears the shower go on with a puzzled look when he looks back at me. "How far have you gone?"

"Just kissing," I groan, "And we don't do that very often."

"Really?" Arthit looks shocked. "I thought..."

When he doesn't continue, I look at him, "You thought what?"

"I just thought you would have gotten farther," Arthit shrugs, "I guess. Are you not attracted to him? Does he not turn you on? What's the problem?"

"Of course I am, and he does," I reply as I feel flush. "Hell, I don't know!"

"Then what is the hold-up?" Arthit asks.

"How did N'Kongpop... I mean... how did he...," I stammer. Arthit has gone bright red.

"He didn't. I did," Arthit admits, "Seriously, why did you think it had to be him?"

What the hell? Arthit? The ball of confusion and indecision made the first move? I would have never thought he would ever do that. I mean, we all thought he would be the one of us to die a virgin. Shit! At this rate, that is going to be me.

"You?" I question. "You made the first move?" He nods.

"That is all I am going to tell you. There is no way I would ever explain what happened to anyone. Ever!" Arthit shakes his head as he blushes again. "And if you tell anyone, I will hunt you down and kill you!"

"How am I going to level up?" I whine. "I don't have a clue what I am doing. It is not like this shit comes with instructions."

Arthit snorts, "I can't believe I am the one telling you this, but talk to him, Ai'Knott. Isn't that what you would have told me? Just talk to him."

"I feel like an idiot," I growl. "I hate this. Not knowing sucks." Arthit grabs my arm and pulls me to the door.

"Look, talk to him," Arthit laughs at me, "I have got to save my boyfriend from drowning." He points to the bathroom door, "That is his second shower this morning. We took one together this morning, and I think he is waiting for you to leave. So leave and find your boyfriend and talk to him. Mine is drowning and will be all pruney if I don't get him out of there." He laughs as he shoves me out the door.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now