Young And Stupid

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Tew's POV

What the holy hell? I don't know what shocks me more. The fact that my mom is currently sitting on my bed folding clothes or that she is now holding up a pair of P'Knott's boxers. Why is she here again, and why is she staring at his boxers?

"Tew, did I leave my notes here?" P'Knott asks, walking in, and stops, eyes going wide when he sees my mom. I am trying not to laugh. He looks at me and back to my mom before he calmly walks over, taking his boxers from my mom, and leaves without saying another word. I wish I could read his mind. P'Knott must be freaking out.

"Does he leave his notes here often?" my mom asks, looking toward my door. Sometimes, I think, but I doubt he will do it again, not if this keeps happening.

"That's what you think is important?" I gape at my mom. "Why are you here?" I set my backpack down. "Did you run away from home? Again?"

"I did not run away from home," my mom huffs, "How could you even ask me that? I am your mom. I need to check on you. Isn't that my job?"

"Really?" I ask, "You are going to go with that?" I sit down on the bed next to her. "You didn't seem to find it necessary to check on me before. Why now?"

It is not like I don't love my mom, and I find it nice to have her come by once in and while. I just don't think P'Knott can survive any more of these unannounced visits.

"Why do I have to have a reason?" my mom sulks, "I am your mom. That is reason enough."

"Do you use this logic on Dad?" I chuckle, pulling out my notes and textbook from my backpack.

"I am hurt," my mom says, pretending to be insulted.

"Mom," I turn to her, "Why are you here? Is something going on back home?"

"I hate that you are so smart," my mom huffs, "You don't take after me at all."

"Mom?" I grin, "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or be concerned that you just insulted yourself."

"Smartass!" Mom grins at me.

"Yep," I tell her, bumping her shoulder. "Tell me what's up?"

"That creep showed up at the house," she tells me with a sigh. "I was worried he would show up here."

"You do realize the only reason you are allowed into the dorm is that you are my mom," I explain. "He would have to wait for me out on the street. Which he has done multiple times."

"So you are telling me that..." my mom begins, and I cut her off.

"If you wanted to make sure I wouldn't see him," I grin, "It would have been better to wait in the car on the street." I look back at my folded clothes, "But, hey, I got my clothes washed." Leaning over, I kiss her cheek. "Thank you, Mom. And his dad sent me a picture of the creep at the airport yesterday. So he is gone."

"That's good, and you are welcome," Mom tells me, smiling. "Why did you like such a jerk?"

"I was young and stupid," I sigh. "Are you going to tell me you never dated a jerk?"

"I wish," Mom laughs, "Your dad had to beat one guy up when he wouldn't accept we broke up."

"Didn't he know you were dating Dad?" I ask. I don't think I ever talked to my mom about who she dated before Dad. I guess I am like all kids. You never imagine your parents ever being young and stupid.

"At the time, I wasn't," Mom shrugs, "Your dad reminds me all the time about how it took me forever to realize what a catch he was."

"I see," I hum, wondering what my parents were like at my age.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now