My Heart And Home

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Prem's POV

Walking up to the faculty parking lot with Arthit and N'Kongpop, we find almost everyone waiting. I notice Arthit shaking his head.

"What's the matter?" I ask him.

"Look at us all," Arthit snorts, "We came dressed for Mission Impossible."

Looking around, I do notice that everyone here has shown up in black jeans and black shirts. Even the girls have dressed in black. I shake my head, thinking only we would do this.

"Hey, Ai'Tutah," Knott frowns, "Where is Ai'Bright? If he doesn't get his ass here, we are going to leave it."

"I messaged him already," Tutah glares at his phone, "He says..." He trails off as he looks behind Knott. "Really, Ai'Bright? Could you have found a more hideous shirt?" Why is that idiot wearing a freaking Hawaiian shirt? Are those monkeys riding sea turtles?

"Oi! This is fashion!" Bright says as he strikes a model pose, making the girls laugh.

"Why are we friends with you again?" Arthit says, shaking his head. "N'May, where is your boyfriend?"

"He just messaged that he is almost here, P'," N'May replies and starts to laugh when she sees him walking up.

"P'Bright, explain to me why the hell I have to wear this shirt?" N'Aim mutters as he walks up, also wearing a Hawaiian shirt. "Oh, my God!" N'Aim exclaims when he sees Bright, "And I thought the one you made me wear was bad!"

"Can we stop having a fvcking conversation about fashion! N'Wad is missing!" I yell at everyone.

"Leave it," P'Dear comes and stands by me, "They are all worried, P'Prem. You know your group jokes when it gets stressed. We can't do anything until van gets here."

"The driver said he is about three minutes away," N'Kongpop says as he walks by to hand Arthit a bottle of pink milk. I don't know how N'Kongpop swung a van on short notice. Who is this nong's dad?

P'Dear pulls out his phone and smiles. "You were right, N'Prem."

"Right? About what?" I ask, confused.

"The idiot just turned his phone on," P'Dear grins, "They are on Route 7 to Pattaya City. Ai'Rin says they are stopped at Rest Area Inner Bound. That means they only have an hour on us. He will message me when they start to move again."

"Only an hour," I mumble, "Only an hour."

"Route 7 is a toll road," P'Win puts in, "There will be a record of the car coming and going. We will have to tell the police once we get N'Wad back."

"I hadn't even thought about the police," I mumble. "I was going to kill the bastard myself."

"We are getting N'Wad back," P'Dear grabs me by the shoulders and looks me in the eye, "We will leave the punishment up to the police, N'Prem. We are better than this guy. Understand?" I nod.

"Can I at least punch him?" I grumble.

"Of course," P'Dear smiles, "I wouldn't let you miss the chance to do that, nong."

The van drives up, and N'Kong steps in, talking to the driver. Sticking his head back out the door, he calls, "Everyone, get on. P'Dear, you said they were on Route 7?"

"Yes, they stopped at the Rest Area Inner Bound," P'Dear replies.

"I will tell the driver to take the same route," N'Kongpop, "P'Prem, can I have the address for Ai'Wad's mom's house? Do you know where his father lives?"

"I will text you his mom's address," I tug on my bottom lip, "I guess when we get there, we will have to tell his mom what is going on. She will know where his father lives."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now