Use Your Charms

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Tutah's POV

"Can I ask why you are hiding out in my room?" I ask Bright as I fold laundry. Bright is currently lying on my bed, throwing a ball up and catching it. He has been doing this for the past hour.

"I. Don't. Know." Bright answers, bouncing the ball off the ceiling with each word. I snatch the ball out of the air before he can catch it the last time.

"You are going to get me kicked out," I complain. "How is N'Kammon, and why are you avoiding him?"

"He is good, and I am not avoiding anyone," Bright answers holding out his hand for the ball. I toss it back to him and go back to folding clothes.

"Yeah, right," I snort.

"Since you are all into questions," Bright begins, "Can I ask you why you are doing somebody else's laundry?"

"Because the last time N'Jett did laundry, he ended up with pink shirts," I explain, holding up a pink shirt as evidence.

"How?" Bright laughs.

"He was trying to be 'nice,'" I do little finger quotes, "And did my laundry while I was in lab," Tutah chuckles, "The problem was, he washed everything together. Including two of my Hazer jackets. My clothes survived. His shirts did not." Tutah throws N'Jett's shirt over by the closet. "So I have banned him from doing laundry."

"He comes over while you are not here?" Bright rolls over, looking at me.

"When I have late labs or class," I say, walking over to the closet to put some clothes away. "N'Jett comes here and waits for me sometimes ."

"Oh, really?" Bright rolls over and grins at me. "He comes over? What do you do when he comes over?"

I pick up the pink shirt and throw it at Bright, "Get your mind out of the gutter."

"Come on," Bright whines, "I have to live vicariously through you."

"Huh?" I sit down and look at him, "And why is that?"

"Why do you think?" Bright sighs, turning away from me. "I don't want to scare him."

It has been a couple of days since N'Kammon told us what happened to him. N'Maprang has been super clingy with her cousin. N'Oak has been whining to me about how he can't even see his own girlfriend.

That night we went our separate ways after we left the old dorm building. I don't know what Bright and N'Kammon talked about afterward or since then. P'Dear and P'Win were going to talk to security to make sure the building was more secure. They didn't want any more students sightseeing there. I am glad they are doing that. Nobody needs to see the Room Not Found. It makes me wonder if it was adequately locked if any of this would have happened to N'Kammon. What am I thinking? Of course, it would have happened. That sick bastard would have found somewhere else to do it.

"Have you even talked to him?" I question. I know my friend, and when things get uncomfortable, he hides from them.

"I didn't even remember him," Bright grumbles. "The night he was attacked. I just took him out to supper and told him to take care before I left. Who does that?"

"Someone who would never think that was happening," I offer, "Ai'Bright, to you, it would look like someone was simply bullying him. You were a good senior and ran those guys off. How would you have known he was a victim of a sexual assault?"

There is a knock on my door, and I walk over to open it. N'Jett is studying with the other nongs, so I know it is not him. Besides, he has a key. Maybe it is one of the guys.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now