The Darkness

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Kammon's POV

"I wanted to thank you for coming in today," the school official across from me says.

"I am here because you people refused to leave me alone," I say. I don't care if I am rude.

"N'Kammon," P'Win scolds. He is the reason I am sitting here. P'Win called me and said he was picking me up to meet up with the guys. Lies. The bastard kidnapped me and brought me back to my old faculty. The last place I ever wanted to step foot. Ever!

"What?" I snap, "I told you this had nothing to do with me!"

"Kammon Jatusripitak, you transferred out of the faculty last year after an extended absence," the advisor says, reading off a piece of paper in front of him. He looks at me, "I am assuming the reason for the absence was caused by what has come to light." Seriously? Come to light?

"You think?" I snort, "My, aren't you a smart one." I flinch when P'Win slaps me on the back of the head.

"Stop acting like your boyfriend," P'Win says under his breath.

"I am not acting like P'Bright," I counter loudly, "I am acting like me. I am not sorry I am rude. I am back in a place that didn't protect me, and you want me to be cordial?" I sniff. "Think again."

P'Win sighs, running his hand through his hair, "I told you he didn't want to come," P'Win tells the advisor.

"He is a victim," The advisor states coldly. No shit! I want to yell at him! I want to ask if that gives him the right to bring this shit back up?

"That is right. I am a victim," I snarl, "And when..." My voice cracks and I look away. P'Win rests a hand on my shoulder.

"Can you give us a minute?" P'Win asks the advisor.

"I just need..." The advisor begins.

"And I just need a minute with him," P'Win growls at the advisor. The advisor mumbles something about people wasting his time but gets up and leaves. P'Win waits for the door to close before he looks at me.

"Why did you bring me here?" I whine. "Why?"

"Because they need to pay for what they ignored," P'Win tells me quietly. "They need to see the faces of the people they hurt. If they don't, it could happen again." He rubs my back. "N'Kammon, I want to make them understand what they caused when they ignored the first student."

"I get that, P'Win," I look up, taking a shaky breath, "But this just makes it..." How do I explain this to him? Has he ever had something he wanted to bury in the darkest place and never let it see the light of day again? He doesn't understand the darkness. Wad would understand this.

"Makes everything real again," P'Win finishes. "I don't know what I am going to do with you or N'Wad."

"Why do you have to do anything?" I shriek, "Both of us are coping!"

"Coping?" P'Win scoffs, "Hold out your hand." I clench my hands into fists. "I said hold out your hand," I growl at him, but I hold out my hands. I don't look at them. I already know that I am trembling. "Coping? This is not coping, N'Kammon."

"What do you want me to do!?!" I tug on my hair.

"I want you to take your life back!" P'Win shouts at me. "These bastards stole something from you, and I want to give that back to you."

"Why you?" I plead. "Why? You had nothing to do with this?"

"I didn't protect my juniors!" P'Win growls.

"You call this coping?" I snark back. "You are just as messed up as I am." I lean back in the chair and run my hands over my face.

"I know that," P'Win sighs.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now