Maybe Friends Can Be a Good Thing

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Wad's POV

"So . . . do you want to tell us who we need to go beat up now?" Kongpop asks with a mean glint in his eye. "That's what friends do you know?"

It had been a few days since I had returned to school, and I suddenly found that I was not going to be allowed to return to my normal loner existence. Aim, Oak, Tew, and Kongpop had taken to including me in everything. They also never brought up a certain senior in front of me, and this was the first time they even brought up the fight. They must have told Tew about me getting beat up, at least, since he was nodding his head.

Friends? That is such an odd term for me. In high school, what friends I had abandoned me when my father's stepson and his gang decided to make my life a personal hell. Some of my "friends" had even joined him. If it hadn't been for my mom, I would have given in to those dark thoughts. But leaving her alone was not an option, and I never let her know about the bullying. I just let her lecture me about not fighting. I look at my grinning "friends" and shake my head. Maybe friends can be a good thing.

"Come on. Tell us who it was," says Oak, as he pushed his glasses up for the millionth time. "I really want to go beat up somebody."

I snort at that comment. I was taking a sip of my iced coffee and choke as some of it goes up my nose. Everyone is laughing. I don't know if it is at me or the mental image of Oak beating someone up.

"Seriously, Ai'Wad," Aim chimes in, "Who was it and why? We need to know. How else are we going to help you not get beat up again."

I looked at the four of them. This feels nice. I missed this. Maybe I can trust them. Just maybe. I just shake my head again.

"You are seriously not going to tell us," protests Kongpop. "Fine." He stands up and begins to pack his bag.

"Wait," I say.

He stops and sits back down.

"It was the guys from the Economics faculty basketball team again," I admit.

"I am going to kill them!" snarls P'Prem behind us.

All of us had been so focused on me and my story that none of us noticed the hazers approaching the table. We all turn towards P'Prem's voice. Not only is P'Prem furious but, all of the hazers look like they were ready to kill.

"P'Prem!" The four of us said as we all wai the seniors.

"What do you mean again?" P'Knott steps closer to the group. "They have done this before?"

Everyone turns and looks at me. I look at P'Prem. He didn't tell his friends about it the first time? I hadn't told anyone, but then again, I had nobody to tell, unlike now.

"After the Freshy Games, they cornered him. It was six against one. I happened to walk by and helped him then." Prem looks at his friends and shrugs.

"And you didn't tell us? Why not?" P'Knott is looking hard at P'Prem.

"It was over and done. How was I to know they would come at him again!" P'Prem snaps at P'Knott.

"Names. I want the names now!" P'Knott growls. P'Knott has always been the calmest of the hazers. Seeing him this angry is scary, not only for the juniors but for his friends.

"I don't know their names," I put in. "I just remember them from the game."

"Hey, didn't they take group photos of all the teams?" P'Bright chirps. "Can't we get one and find out from there. N'Wad can point them out." P'Bright looks at the group, who are now looking at him like he was spouting prophecies. "Hey! I am named Bright for a reason."

P'Arthit is the closest, so he smacks P'Bright on the back of the head for the group.

"Hey! Stop it!" P'Bright whines as he scowls at P'Arthit. P'Arthit just raises his hand again, and P'Bright goes to stand behind P'Tutah.

I turn to look at Kongpop. I thought he would be watching P'Arthit. But he isn't. He had his head down, determinedly staring at the table. Did P'Arthit give Kongpop back his gear? Or has something else happened between them? I turn back to P'Arthit. He seems to be using his friends to hide behind. What the hell is going on with those two?

"N'Wad, we will get a team photo and have you point out the players involved," P'Knott smirks at P'Bright as P'Bright sticks his tongue out at P'Knott. "Until then, stay with your friends, okay? And you three make sure he doesn't go anywhere alone. For some reason, they are just targeting him, and I don't like it."

All of us nod. We wai the seniors as they begin to leave. P'Prem stops and comes back to the table.

"When do you need to go back to the hospital for your stitches?" P'Prem asks.

"I need to go this Saturday." I look at the bandage on my arm, which was beginning to get somewhat dirty.

"Is the morning okay?" P'Prem steps closer. "I have something I have to do that evening."

"Sure." I nod my head.

P'Prem turns and runs to catch up with his friends who had waited for him at the edge of the canteen.

I notice P'Arthit looking our way and once again turn to look at Kongpop, only to find Kongpop already walking away from us in the other direction. Seriously what the hell happened with those two? I need to ask Kongpop. If he can be all in my business, I can be in his. Isn't that what friends are for?

When I look back at the table, Tew is giving me a strange look while Aim and Oak are trying to avoid looking at me. I am not ready to have this conversation with them. Why didn't P'Prem just message me? He not only asked me in front of my friends, but I know his friends were watching. How many of them know? Shit! This is going to be awkward. I stand up and shove my books in my bag.

"I need to ask Kong about an assignment. Talk to you later." I walk off in the direction Kongpop had gone. Now, where did Kong go?

1062 3-13-19
1065 12-7-19
Edited by Anon123mous

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now