Other Boys

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Aim's POV

I throw the box on the table between my friends and seniors, "Ok, assholes," I growl, "Who the hell put these in my bag?"

"Nong?" P'Bright says, picking up the box and looking at it, "You didn't just call your seniors assholes, did you?"

"Yes, I did," I snarl. "Do you know where that damn thing fell out and who saw it?"

"Don't tell me May saw this?" Tew asks, taking the box from P'Bright. "When?"

"Right before our date on Thursday!" I grumble, sitting down at the table, "So who is the bastard who put it in my bag?" I look around at my friends and seniors. "None of you?" They are all shaking their head.

"N'Aim," P'Bright snatches the box away from Tew, "If I were going to do this, I would at least do it where I could see the mental implosion you would have. Where is the fun if you have it without me there to witness?"

"Then how did it end up in my bag?" I demand. "I didn't put it there."

"May?" Oak suggests.

"Not something I could picture," P'Knott takes the box away from P'Bright, "Besides, how would she know what size to buy?" P'Knott looks me up and down. "Is there something we don't know?"

"She wouldn't know that P'Knott," I glower. I can't believe he just asked that. Him of all people. P'Bright or P'Tutah maybe but him? And why are we debating my size?

P'Tutah takes the box from P'Knott, "It seems like someone is ambitious. Are you hung like a horse, N'Aim?" Now that's what I expect from P'Tutah.

"If I had bought those things, would I be here asking who put them in my bag?" I grouse.

"You are avoiding the ques...," P'Tutah trails off when Jett clears his throat, and P'Tutah asks Jett. "Did you put them there?"

"No!" Jett squeaks, "I just don't like you asking guys about their equipment. And what are you laughing at Ai'Wad?"

"You," Wad chuckles, "Are you feeling self-conscious about your equipment compared to the size on the box?" Jett punches Wad on the shoulder. P'Prem reaches over Oak and smacks Jett on the back of the head.

"If you two are going to hit people, can I at least get out of the way first?" Oak grumbles.

P'Arthit looks at the box. "Wonder who bought it and why they put it in your bag?" He mutters before he tosses the box back to me.

"How did you explain it to N'May?" P'Prem asks. "I am sure that was fun."

"I just told her I don't know how it got there and that I wasn't ready yet," I explain. "Do you think she believed me? She seemed to at the time."

"Who knows, nong," P'Bright sighs. "Girls are weird."

All of us stop and stare at P'Bright. The playboy and biggest skirt chaser in the university just called girls weird.

P'Tutah places a palm across P'Bright's forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"

P'Bright grimaces at his friend and gets up, "I am fine. Just because I date them doesn't mean I don't find them weird."

"Speaking of dating them," P'Knott chips in, "I haven't seen you dating one lately."

"Just taking a break," P'Bright shrugs, "I will be seeing you guys." We all watch as P'Bright walks off.

"He does remember he has a class later, right?" P'Arthit asks. "Or is he bunking it?"

"I think he is bunking it," Kong agrees, "Hey, Ai'Oak, where are you going?" When he notices Oak walking off.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now