Part Of The Experience

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Bright's POV

"What are you doing here?" I ask P'Dear, who is standing next to Arthit.

"Why do you think?" P'Dear grins, "You are not the only one who wants to see their boyfriend in a SOTUS t-shirt." Tutah must have told him we were doing this.

"You got him a t-shirt?" Tutah looks over at P'Dear. "How? One of the first years?"

"Of course not," P'Dear laughs, "It is better. It is mine." Crap, maybe I should have made Kammon wear mine. Nah, it is better this way. He will have one of his own now.

"I found them," Knott says, walking up. "Are you really going to make them get signatures?" He asks, looking at the signature books I sent him to find.

"Just twenty," I shrug, "It is part of the experience." I can't help thinking about what I will ask Kammon to do if he asks for my signature. Glancing over at the others, I have to wonder what they will make their boyfriends do for them.

"So are sit and stands," Prem grins looking at P'Dear, Tutah, and I, "Are you going to punish your boyfriends?"

"Yeah," Arthit mimics, "It is part of the experience."

"How are they going to get Kammon and N'Jett here?" I ignore Prem and Arthit. "I don't want him to know until they walk in."

"Kongpop and N'Aim are on it," Arthit answers. "He said they would handle it."

"And you didn't ask questions?" I turn on Arthit, "What if N'Kongpop ruins the surprise?"

"Geez," Knott pats my shoulder, "Calm down. It is 0062. He will not mess it up, and why aren't you worried about 0097?"

"Why are we back to referring to him as 0062?" Arthit snaps. "He has a name!"

"N'Aim won't screw it up," I ignore Arthit once again, "He helped plan this."

N'Aim and I spent a night planning this little mini SOTUS for Kammon and N'Jett. If I hadn't included Tutah's boyfriend, I would have been buried alive by my friend. I know he wants to see him in a SOTUS shirt. For me, I just want Kammon to understand what it means to be part of this.

"That reminds me, did you get name tags for N'Jett and N'Kammon?" Arthit dodges a punch from P'Dear. "And P'Win?"

Tutah holds up two name tags, "There is some more on the stage, P'Dear. Go make one for P'Win." P'Dear smiles, running over to get the name tag.

A message pings on Knott's phone, making us all turn and look at him.

"The hotel reservation is booked for this weekend," Knott says. "We are going to have double up in the rooms. Sorry, but it was short notice. I was doing good to get as many rooms as I did."

"That is fine," I reply.

"Hey?" P'Dear starts.

"There is room for you and P'Win," Knott cuts him off. "You can bunk in with Ai'Tutah and N'Jett."

"Oh, that will be fun," P'Dear snorts. "That nong is still suspicious of me."

"You are a suspicious guy," Arthit teases.

Aim's POV

Kong and I have been getting everyone on board with the mini SOTUS we have planned for Jett and Kammon. My ears are still ringing from the girls squealing. Maprang will be the one to get Kammon to come over, and Tew is in charge of getting Jett. Prem and Wad had walked by earlier. Wad told me he would be waiting over by the meeting hall door.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask Kong when he walks up laughing.

"The looks people gave me when they saw me in my shirt," Kong grins.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now