Want This Day To Be Over

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Arthit's POV

Of course, he is already here. I sigh as I walk up to Kongpop.

"Why are you always so early," I whine as I walk up. "I even left early, and you still beat me here."

"I just got here, P'," Kongpop smiles at me. "What do you want to buy."

What did I want to buy? That was the million-dollar question. Kongpop had asked me if this was a date, and I had told him no but... Shoot me! I wanted to go to the mall with my boyfriend. I came up with this lame excuse of buying something like the time we went earlier. And of course, I had to scramble to think of something to be shopping for now. Luckily as I was going to the mall, P'Tum had called me to tell me that P'Fon was pregnant, so I have something to buy. I take him to the same shop he and I had gone to when we were buying a gift for his niece.

"P'Tum and P'Fon are going to have a baby," I tell Kongpop, looking through the shelves. "I want to buy them something."

"How about a card?" Kongpop suggests.

"P'Tum made fun of me giving him a card last time," I grumbled. "So what else do you suggest? Maybe a toy or some clothes." I am really grasping at straws. Did I just suggest a toy and clothes for a baby that hasn't even been born yet?

"We don't even know the gender yet, P'," Kongpop laughs. Damn. I knew Kongpop would catch that. Think.

"It is a gift in advance. We can pick something gender-neutral. Good for either a boy or a girl. You have a niece," I point out. "You should know what to get. Can't you give me some advice?"

"She is a girl. So, of course, she likes plushies and cute stuff like that," Kongpop says as we walk down the aisle. "A boy would like something different. When I thought about having a child, I always imagined myself having a son."

My heart dropped with those words. Kongpop wants a son. I can't give him a son. If I am with Kongpop, he can never have a family. I am ruining his future. When he figures out what he has to give up for me, he will hate me. Will he regret us?

"P'Arthit," Kongpop says as he grabs my arm. "P'Arthit?"

"Huh?" I mumble.

"I asked you what you think?" he smiles at me. "We could get vitamins to help during the pregnancy to help the baby grow strong." I nod my head as he continues, "Let's get them closer to the dorm, so we don't have to carry them."

I nod again, trying to hide my mood from him.

"Why don't we catch a movie?" Kongpop mentions as he looks at his watch. "There should be one that hasn't started yet."

I hmm, distracted when I notice Kongpop is still wearing my string from the wrist-tying ceremony. Why is he still wearing it?

"Kongpop, you can take the string off already. It is getting dirty." I point out.

"P'Arthit, you tied this for me," he grins at me, "I want to keep it on."

There he goes making my heart flutter when I am worried I am destroying his future. How can he do this to me every time? He makes me go all gooey with such simple words and actions.

Outside of the theater, we are waiting for the show to start. Kongpop insisted on paying and making me flustered all over again by calling it a date. I am still lost in my own thoughts and worries when I see Praepailin is talking to Kongpop. Where did she come from? Watching them talk to each I can't stop myself from thinking how good they look together. He is the Moon, and she is the Star. They fit together perfectly. She could give him beautiful children. Make him a father. They are talking about the movie and how they like the actor and the director. I listen as she asks to borrow some movies from him. I can't compare to her.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now