Meant To Be There

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Arthit's POV

Last night, I stayed over at Kong's dorm. After meeting with those nongs from Economics, I couldn't shake my worry that they would target him. Messaging him after my friends and I had separated, I found he had been reviewing in his dorm. He was about to leave to get food, but I told him to stay put and that I would bring it to him. Of course, he was very happy about me bringing him food and eating with him. I could almost hear his smile through the phone.

We ate together in his room. It was the first time I had been back since I freaked out that day and almost screwed everything up. It was nice sharing a meal with him again. He went back to reviewing when we finished. I opted to read a Naruto manga to keep him company instead of going back to my dorm only to fall asleep on his bed. I don't know if he knew I didn't want to go back to my dorm or didn't have the heart to send me from his room, but later on, he woke me and handed me a towel and a change of clothes.

It is the second night I had shared a bed with Kong but the first time since the bridge. I didn't know what to expect. After my unprecedented first kiss with him, he had found ways to steal a kiss here and there. Each time I was left speechless. It is my first relationship, and I have no clue how to navigate this new territory, so, in the end, I let Kong lead most of the time. Which the logical part of me knew was a bad idea. I mean, this is the boy who declared he would make me his wife the first time we met in front of everyone. Yeah, this was probably not my smartest move or safest.

When he had gotten out of the shower, I was already in bed with my back to his side of the bed with my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. He turned off the light, then told me goodnight and kissed my cheek. I waited and just like that night so long ago when he first professed his feelings for me.

"P'Arthit, are you asleep?" Kongpop's voice breaks the silence. I didn't move just like that night.

"Thank you for accepting me," Kongpop says quietly, "I thought I had lost you. I am so happy you are beside me. I love you."

Unlike that night, I turn and look at him. "Thank you for waiting for me to become brave enough and catch up to your feelings. I thought I had lost you, too. I love you."

I slide over and wrap my arms around his waist and tucking my head against his chest. I can hear his heart beating like a drum. I smile, knowing his heart was beating just as fast as mine. I know I shocked him because it takes him a few moments to move and wrap his arms around me and kiss the top of my head. After all the times he has short-circuited my brain, it was nice getting the opportunity to do the same to him. We fall asleep like that. Laying next to Kong, I just felt I was meant to be there.

You would think since I got to sleep, just sleep, with my boyfriend, I would not be grumpy today

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You would think since I got to sleep, just sleep, with my boyfriend, I would not be grumpy today. But I am grumpy. Very grumpy. Why? Because my boyfriend thinks the crack ass of dawn is the appropriate time to wake up! This is why I get to find out that you get immediate service if you come to the food stall at this ungodly hour. Why? Because nobody in their right mind would be awake at this time! I glare at my boyfriend. Crap, I keep calling him my boyfriend, and I don't know if that is what he thinks we are. I need to get that clarified before my brain melts trying to figure it out. Back to glaring at my boyfriend as he approaches our table with a smile that should be illegal at this time in the morning.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now