Take Responsibility

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Wad's POV

"So did you catch him?" I ask Aim when he walks into class.

"Yes, the little shit," Aim laughs. "I also told P'Bright to go to class."

"Are you his keeper now?" Kong asks. "And where are the girls?"

"Where is Oak?" Tew puts in.

Oak, May, and Maprang walk in laughing at that moment. May waves at Aim and goes to sit by him. Oak and Maprang sit on either side of Tew.

"I am not his keeper. Why should I take responsibility for P'Bright?" Aim finally answers my question as he helps May get out her notes. "I just happened to run by him.

"Hey, Maprang," Jett calls, "Where is Prae? Didn't she eat lunch with you?"

"I don't know," Maprang shrugs, "May, do you know where she was for lunch?."

"Nope," May adds, "I think she has been eating with someone lately. Did you happen to see her, Oak?"

"No," Oak grins, "I barely found you two walking here."

"Did she get a girlfriend?" I ask. I have always wondered what her type would be.

"Wad Pradchaphet?" a voice calls from the door, and I look over to find a man in a suit standing there.

"That is me," I say, raising my hand. Everyone in class looks at me.

"Do you mind if we step out?" the man asks. I look at my friends. It is evident that none of them are too keen on me going anywhere alone with a stranger.

"Come on, Ai'Kong," I nudge Kong's arm. "Go with me." He nods and stands up to follow me. Walking out into the hall, the man looks at Kong and back at me.

"I don't know you," I explain, "I asked him to come with me."

"Understood," the man nods and hands me an envelope, "Wad Pradchaphet, you have been served." Then he just walks off. Served? Huh? I look at the envelope in my hands and back to Kong.

"What does... What is this?" I ask.

"Open it?" Kong suggests.

I open the envelope and pull out the paper inside. What I read makes my heart stop.

"They set a date," I breathe.

"Set a date?" Kong asks, taking the paper from my numb hands. "This quick? They haven't done anything with the Kiwi guy yet."

"He admitted to everything and got a reduced sentence," I answer.

"Why didn't we know about that?" Kong demands.

"I thought P'Prem told everyone, and you guys just weren't bringing it up," I shrug. "Sorry."

Kong puts his hand on my shoulder, "Nothing to apologize about," he smiles, "One less thing to rehash. Do you want to call P'Prem?"

"No," I say, looking at my watch, "Class is about to start. I will tell him after. Let's go back in before the others send out a search party."

"Hey," Prae calls as she walks up, "Why are you two outside?"

"Ai'Wad just got notified of P'Dean's court date," Kong answers for me.

"Are you ok?" Prae looks at Wad, concerned.

"Is it weird that I didn't think about going to court?" I ask, "I already felt it was all over. But I knew there would be a trial."

"I don't think it is weird," Prae smiles, "You want this to be your past now."

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now