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Bright's POV

"You know you shouldn't watch porn in class," Tutah laughs, sitting down next to me and takes my phone from me. "What are you..." Tutah trails off as he reads my phone.

"Give that back to me," I snap, yanking my phone out his hands, "Have you ever heard of something called privacy?"

"That is rich coming from you," Arthit says, looking up from his notes. "How many times have you gone through my phone?"

"I agree," Prem laughs, "I don't know how many times we have all changed our passcodes."

"32," Knott puts in as he sits down.

"You keep count?" Arthit marvels. "How? Oh, nevermind, you are Knott. Stupid question."

"So what was on his phone, Ai'Tutah?" Prem grins at me, "Was he really watching porn?"

"He was being dumped," Tutah replies. I bang my head on my desk. Why is this happening?

"Dumped?" Arthit repeats.

"Didn't you just start dating?" Knott questions, "What did you do to get dumped?"

"Will you guys stop saying that!" I sit up and scream, "He just said he had plans for lunch! How the hell do you get that I was dumped out of that? Explain that to me!"

"Considering how many people you date, N'Bright," Professor Suda interrupts, "I am sure you can find another lunch date. As much as we would love to hear about your love life, I do get paid to teach you. Can I begin class now?"

"Sorry, Professor Suda," I apologize and glare at my friends. It is their fault I am being scolded. The guys are laughing at me.

"I hate you," I hiss under my breath, making them laugh even more.

"Do I need to send you five out of my class?" Professor Suda asks, which effectively shuts up my friends. "That was your last warning."

I look at my phone and wonder what Kammon could be doing today that he can't have lunch with me.

Bright: y can't u eat w/ me

Kammon: plans

Bright: w/ who

Kammon: friends eat w/ urs

Bright: but i want to eat w/ u ☹️

Kammon: tomorrow 😘

Another message pops up on my phone.

The Fabulous One: r u ok

The Bright One: yes

The Fabulous One: sorry

The Bright One: buy me lunch

I know Tutah has a date with N'Jett. I am curious about what he will do.

The Fabulous One: k

I look over at Tutah and mouth, "You have a date."

Tutah mouths back, "Text, you moron."

The Bright One: u have a date

The Fabulous One: and?

The Bright One: ok whatever

The Fabulous One: good

Why did I ask him to buy me lunch? Now I get to watch him and N'Jett suck face. I shiver when I get a mental image. OK. I know they won't do that in the canteen.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now